Monday, June 3, 2024

Sakamoto Days Anime Coming January 2025.

Hey everyone- I have some good news and bad news. My flight got delayed till a week from today and my traveling companion is recovering from a stomach virus. The good news is that things were able to be rescheduled, and I will be going to enjoy myself. Moreover, a manga I have been reading extensively since it began is finally getting an anime adaptation.

That would be Sakamoto Days by Suzuki Yuto, coming in January 2025. For those unfamiliar, the story follows a retired hitman named Sakamoto Taro; who is now working at a convenience store when enemies both old and new come into the fold. Their hope is that with Sakamoto putting on both years and weight, that he will be an easy target. As they find out the hard way, appearances deceive. TMS, who has extensive credits on both sides on the pacific, will be handling the adaptation; and Netflix has picked up the international rights.

As someone who has been a regular reader of the manga since it started publication in Shonen Jump Weekly; this news makes me immensely happy. I believe it has all the ingredients to be a great anime on its own and has plenty to work with for a good adaptation. That's all for now, and I will see you all again soon.

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