Saturday, November 24, 2012

Update about the new recap and other goings-on.

Hey guys. I know I expected to have the recap I was working on out in the first week of November, but I've got a few reasons why it was taking so long.

First off, my old Mac charger broke and I had to wait for about two weeks for a new one to come from the UK; effectively putting me offline for that time.

Second, is that I have most of the recap posted, but the internet connection in my town has been unusually spotty this month. For instance, I have not been able to get a connection in my own home. I've currently got 3/5 of the recap in my Blogger posts, and I'm working with several paragraphs of text and screencaps to finish it.

Third, is that I've been kind of sick this week. I've head a moderate head cold and intermittent problems with my stomach; which was a blow to me as they peaked around Thanksgiving.

I try to make an effort to not miss deadlines I set for myself any more than ones that are given to me; but my well-being must take priority over something I do for fun.

Regarding the recap, I will have it finished this weekend, but the recap I had planned after that will have to be moved to December.

For the one I was working on before I got so behind, it was on the first episode of "Mega Man NT Warrior", "Mega Man! Plug In!" The one I was going to do after that will be mentioned in that recap.

I'm going to finish up the recap today or tomorrow. Then, I can officially take a breather before I start the next one. Later.

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