Sunday, October 30, 2016

Recap: Here Come the Classical Yo-Kai

Hello again, and here’s to Devil’s Night. Well, I might as well take care of one of my target Yo-Kai Watch episodes that’s been on my radar for some time. So, let’s open it up.

We get a cold open in a dark forest; where Nate, Eddie and Bear are on something called a “scare dare.” Why? I feel this anime seems to skip over some integral parts of storytelling. Just look at this, just look at that; you want to sell toys? Fine, we’ll help you do that. 

It turns into a diatribe with Bear saying that Nate is shaking in his boots, largely because Whisper is clinging to him and saying “we’re all going to die.” They actually used the d-word in a kids’ anime. 

Bear then berates Nate for his fear. This fucking plot has been done to death. Also, what’s with the way he’s standing? Got a little captain in you, Bear?

Nate then makes them go out again; with Eddie saying “I am not intimidated” In a VERY stilted manner. You’re not voice acting either, Eddie.

So, Nate devises a plan to scare Eddie and Bear; enlisting the help of the classical yokai Pallysol, Boyclops and Lady Longneck, also selling more toys in the process. Joy. 
Only $9.95 each! Available at fine retailers everywhere!

Yet, because Eddie and Bear are stock characters in this dog; they don’t appreciate them and just storm off. Oh dear. Believe me when I say that I have some choice words for this reaction; and you will see them later in this recap.

In the meantime; Nate decides to show the yokai a modern zombie film, with Boyclops remarking that he “Doesn’t need to use the bathroom anymore.” Oh goody, another shit joke. I see we’re still catering to the crowd that has a sense of humor that begins and ends with one’s excrement. Honestly, there are entire Yo-Kai that are based on some bodily function. This is one of the many reasons that I consider this to be on the low end of anime marketed as Pokémon competitors. Digimon has cyberpunk elements to it; Yu-Gi-Oh has dark stories and diverse characters, Yo-Kai Watch has a cyclops soiling himself. Fucking ingenious.

After a few pointers and a training montage that makes about as much sense as your standard Family Guy cutaway gag; they do end up spooking Eddie and Bear, and present Nate with their medals. They even get displayed onscreen like a fucking commercial. If you want to make a story to sell toys, that’s fine; but the story has to come first! This is a totally counterproductive way of thinking that honestly needs to die. Just as well, most places I’ve looked can’t even give this crap away.

Nate quickly recalls all the yokai in the area, but forgets to call Jibanyan back. Once again, I refer you to the clip from That 70s Show.

Red Forman: The reason bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass.

As we enter the last segment, I must once again point out that if your best argument to counter me is “if you don’t like it, don’t watch it,” you’ve definitely come to the wrong place. You want to get a rise out of someone, do it on 4Chan. 

To be honest, there’s not a whole lot to this last part. There is very little of substance, just the classical yokai bragging about each other like a roundtable discussion on Crossfire. Not the worst, but far from the best. It ends on everyone going to a Next Har-Meow-Ny concert; and I still have no clue why Viz or whoever initially just called them a “girl’s group.” It’s like calling The Cure “that band whose lead singer fought a mechanized Barbra Streisand on that one South Park.” 

While this may not be the worst episode of this anime I’ve done; there’s just way too much about Yo-Kai Watch that I have issues with than I have time to discuss tonight. The animation itself is the only factor I can really lend praise; everything else is just flickering lights and toys. I mean, it took them 143 episodes just to get to the “naked people are funny” brand of humor; when Keita gets a gun that blows his clothes off, barring his socks and shoes. I honestly don’t know if the plans to continue with the series here in the US will be sustainable in the long term; since the sequels have sold less than 45,000 units combined as of this writing; barely a fraction of what they have in Japan by the same point.

Even if the fanbase wants the third game localized; I just think that maybe the whole thing isn’t as good as they say it is. I probably wouldn’t have reacted the way I’ve been if they hadn’t been hyping this fucking thing as the second coming of Gunpei Yokoi. With Pokémon Sun and Moon shattering pre-order records; the fact that Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls are being outsold by Mafia III and a pair of sports games (NBA 2K17 and Fifa 17, to be exact) does not bode well for the series’ future prospects. I will admit I liked the demo for the second game more the first, but that’s kind of like saying that walking barefoot for a mile on Lego bricks and broken glass isn’t as bad as having dental work done without Novocain. 

There will be another time for me to address the series, but it won’t be until after Sun and Moon come out. Tomorrow is Halloween, and I have something in mind to detox from this. Bang. 

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Recap: Fight to the Finish

Hello everyone, and Happy Halloween weekend. I will try to get some of the content I had planned out; but I am not ruling out the possibility that it could spill into November. Even so, as I planned; I will be doing Sailor Moon first, so let’s open up “Fight to the Finish!”

After the theme song; we open on Jedite being accosted by Queen Beryl about his failures against the sailor scouts; and is given one final chance to stop them under penalty of “eternal sleep,” essentially a way to get around death in a kids’ show. Sure beats abusing the shadow realm as a “get out of death free” card even when it’s not. 

We then cut to Serena’s house; where she is fantasizing about Tuxedo Mask over the night sky. Oh, young love.

All of a sudden, Jedite appears as an image over the night sky; demanding the sailor scouts meet him at the airport at 1AM tomorrow, or he’ll burn the whole city to the ground!

Oh, and people will die, starting tonight. I'm a man of my word.

After Serena confers with Amy and Rei, while they find the prospect uneasy; they ultimately decide to meet as Jedite wishes, lest any more harm fall upon the city.

The next day at school, everyone tries to determine what happened; and Melvin of course suggests it was aliens. He even looks like an early version of the Ancient Aliens guy (least History Channel’s network decay has birthed some interesting memes). 

When Serena suggests that everyone stay away from the airport, Miss Haruna wonders what’s come over her! She even wonders why she’s acting more serious than usual!

At the arcade, her friend Andrew tells her she needs to be more natural; and she gleefully skips down the street in response to this! 

Then, she unwittingly kicks her shoe off onto Darien’s head; to which he responds, “Why can’t you keep your stupid shoes on your stupid feet, meatball head?” Ah, another rough translation of “odango” from the Japanese version (which I have seen for frame of reference).

After unwittingly insulting her unrequited love; Darien awkwardly gives her shoe back and leaves. Oh, will you just propose to her already?!

That night, at the airport; Jedite sets his nefarious plan in motion. Jeez, it’s because of shit like this I have to take my shoes off at the checkpoint. I even had to remove my DBZ jacket when I went to New York this summer, for corn’s sake!

Serena, Rei and Amy all board the tram; and prepare to meet their fate.

As they reach the runway, they’re confronted by the security; who’ve been possessed by Jedite! Always quaint to see what air travel was like before 2001, don’t you think?

Showtime, synergy!

Then, Jedite unleashes his lightning as he sets the place on fire and sends airplanes after the girls! I love the insanity of the ‘90s sometimes. 

Serena even laments her fate as she runs from the plane.

Why is it always me? I'm running from a plane in heels for god's sake!

Tuxedo Mask then confronts Jedite at the runway!

How dare you harm these lovely women, villainous cur!

With some quick thinking; the Sailor Scouts devise a plan to trap Jedite with his own tactics, and Sailor Moon finishes him off with her final move! 

For his failures; Jedite is encased in a large crystal and is replaced by Beryl with Nephrite. As for that whole can of worms with Zoisite: I’m not even going to touch that one right now. Also, the Sailor Says is rather stock information about self-confidence and a clear goal; but it works fine.

“Fight to the Finish” is a strong entry in the early Sailor Moon canon even if it’s a product of its time. As one of the first anime I remember watching; it’s easily conditioning for my admiration of people like Katniss Everdeen, Black Widow and Rey. I also apologize for how short this recap is; but I can rectify that with my next couple ones. I’ve had an episode of Yo-Kai Watch I’ve been wanting to do for a bit; and it should be ideal for Devil’s Night tomorrow night. Bang.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Pokémon Sun and Moon Coming in 3 Weeks+Other Halloween Recaps

So, I was able to pass my midterms for communications; and that means I can hopefully get my other Halloween recaps out soon. I was able to get started on my Sailor Moon recap; I will focus on that one first.

On that note; I'm still very addicted to the Pokémon Sun and Moon demo, which has been downloaded over 3.5 million times since it went live; and has also contributed to the games having the most preorders ever in Nintendo's history. The game will officially launch in the US in three weeks.  I'm just going to keep things brief for now, since I've made a lot of progress this year and I want to keep that momentum going for the Sun and Moon launch as well as 2017. That will be all for now. Take care.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Recap: Ghost Nighter

Hello again. Seeing as it’s October; I will once again be doing some Halloween-related recaps for this month. To start; after the bad trip that was all that Yo-Kai Watch, I decided to do something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. Today, we’re going back to the swinging sixties with an anime that my mother watched when she was a little girl living in Japan; and I have rediscovered with the wonders of the internet! Let’s open up the first episode of GeGeGe no Kitaro in another installment of “From Humble Beginnings!”

We open on the theme song; which shows off the eponymous Kitaro and his yokai friends as he conducts a choir of them in a refrain of the “GeGeGe no Ge” part of the title. The spooky imagery and quirky theme song reminds me of the Addams Family theme (another great show that’s both macabre and family-friendly). 

The series is also the brainchild of the late Shigeru Mizuki; who helped repopularize the idea of yokai in fiction. As I’m about to tell you; it’s an ideal blend of both the bizarre and the frightening.

The title card of this first episode; “Ghost Nighter” is laid out on a graveyard and a lone baseball player, showing it indeed aired in Japan on January 3, 1968. Long before my parents met; let alone me being a glimmer in their eyes.

We get our proper opening on the same graveyard; where a young boy trips over a baseball bat lying on the ground.

He picks it up; and discovers writing on it that the can’t make out. There are few who can. My Elvish isn’t what it used to be; but that’s definitely not a Louisville Slugger. 

He swings the bat; and it makes a “woosh” sound that scares him; but he decides to use it anyway when he finds out how far he can hit with it. Imagine that. Took me a while before I could get my batting average up in Wii Baseball.

The next day, the boy; whose name is Donpei by the way, manages to win his baseball team the game thanks to the bat!

t also turns out that the bat is enchanted; since Donpei simply has to think about how to hit the ball and it happens! Boy, I love a hobby where I get to type things like that.

Meanwhile, in the forest; the game ball lands in Kitaro’s hair, and wakes him up! 

One of the opposing team members goes to retrieve it; and is spooked when Kitaro tries to return it!

When his father, an eyeball with a body says children these days need to learn manners; Kitaro replies that even yokai love baseball! Just glad the World Series didn’t delay the new Treehouse of Horror this year as it sometimes does.

Back with Donpei, he starts stroking the bat in a suggestive fashion. Nothing I can write will be more suspect than that sentence.

Kitaro speaks with Donpei’s team, asking them if they picked up the bat somewhere. Donpei coyly replies that he’s had the bat for years. Even with Kitaro’s appearance, he is the only yokai that can pass for human in his group and speak to others; which comes in handy for solving problems, as I’m about to tell you. 

He then introduces himself, and his father concurs that his full name is indeed GeGeGe no Kitaro. Roll credits!

That night, a will-o-wisp called Tsurubebi is looking for the bat; and so is a creature with eyes all over his body called Hyakume Boy. I smell shenanigans! 

It turns out that the missing bat is known as the “100% Home Run Bat.” Boy, the Kansas City Royals could use one of those!

Tsurubebi then points out that “violent Kibagurui will be angry as thunder.” That doesn’t sound good.

Everyone heads underground; and someone named Chibi-san knows exactly what happened because he viewed it on a special TV. Imagine that. I have trouble figuring out my DVR sometimes.

Anyway, Kitaro demands that he handle retrieving the bat; citing that he’s the only one who can pass for human. If any of the other yokai go; they’ll be banished from the surface forever! I just wish that could happen with the ones from Yo-Kai Watch.

After a scuffle with another yokai, Chibi-san gives Kitaro 24 hours to retrieve the bat. After using his vest to stop the fight; he breathes this liquid on it and puts it back on. Boy, I love the craziness of the sixties sometimes!

Back on the surface, because of the enchanted bat; Donpei’s team is getting offers left and right to join the major leagues. Though the offers are tempting; Donpei asks for time to think it over. Yep, better to do that then get found out later. Remember what happened with Barry Bonds and Mark McGuire?

That night, Kitaro takes the bat from Donpei’s room; then asks him to wake up. … No comment there.

So, Kitaro proposes a match; where the winner will keep the bat! Of course! A relaxed attitude towards the matter! The NY Mets are my favorite squadron!

However, if Donpei loses, not only will the bat be returned to the yokai; but their lives shall be forfeit! You see, Hino? THIS is how you integrate yokai mythology into your work. 

While this prospect frightens Donpei, he agrees anyway! You see Keita? THIS is how you react when a yokai wants to make a pact with you.

So, they agree to have the game in the graveyard at 3AM tomorrow night.

Everyone meets as promised, and Donpei’s team leads as a result of the ro-sham-bo. Imagine that. Wouldn’t be the first time something’s been decided that way, and it won’t be the last.

After the first two batters strike out; Donpei’s team discovers that they’re using an enchanted ball to avoid hitting the bat!

After a brief time out; Donpei’s team agrees to stop using the bat, and Kitaro agrees to stop using the Yokai ball. 

The Yokai team then goes to bat, and Akanbei gets a hit in with just a bunt! They’re not the ’27 Yankees; but let’s whip them into shape.

Even this old lady manages to get a run in; and she uses a cane for corn’s sake!

Kibagurui then encourages the old lady, whose name is Nouwake by the way to do her best.

Nouwake goes up to bat; and despite breaking her cane; she gets in another hit! Even though the animation may not seem like much now; it was revolutionary for the time. I’ve been wanting to do something like this for a long time, and this was a good opportunity to do so.

The next batter, Choukouzetsu even bats with his tongue! As you can tell; hilarity is ensuing in this baseball game. 

Choukouzetsu even scores a home run!

Yet, as the game goes on; the humans are just getting slaughtered by the Yokai team! Jeez; and I thought Tampa Bay was slumming it!

So, Kitaro and his father formulate a plan to stall the game so he can save the children! You see, Jibanyan and Whisper? THIS is how you help out your friends. Have I made it clear I’m not a big fan of Yo-Kai Watch? Or are you going to act indignant that I have the audacity to have an opinion on my own? 

Now, it’s the bottom of the ninth; bases loaded, 2 outs; you know the drill. Kibagurui even tells Kitaro they’re counting on him. He’s no Roger Clemens, but he’ll do fine.

Yet, despite being advised to strikeout, Kitaro instead bats a home run! I love this kid. He can bat like Griffey in his prime and run the bases in geta; when I’m inconsistent at Wii Baseball and even Crocs are only used when I have to take the dogs out or get the mail and I don’t feel like putting on my runners. 

Kibagurui catches wind of this; and confronts Kitaro. 

Where's the money, Lebowski? Bunny says you're good for it!

He even has a backup ball; but where was he keeping it? I don’t see any pockets on that shirt; so I think I’ll spare you any other unpleasant possibilities.

So, Donpei not only hits one last home run; but the sun rises and the other Yokai are driven away! So that’s what his plan was all along!

We close on the usual ending of this story, where the bat is returned to Hyakume Boy and Kitaro tells Donpei he had the skills he need all along; as well as a song about the noise Kitaro’s geta make. Now THIS is how you do a family-friendly anime about the paranormal! 

“Ghost Nighter” is an old but fun take on Japanese mythology; and I’m glad it’s one of the first anime from the 1960s that I’ve covered on this blog. I will do more from this time period in 2017; but for now, I’m glad I finally have this done after all these delays. My communications midterm is Monday; but after that, I should probably be able to do the other work I had planned for this month. I want to be finished by Halloween night, so I can have the slate clean for some material related to Pokémon Sun and Moon in November as well as some stuff for Christmas. See you, space cowboy! 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Brief Night Post: Pokémon Sun and Moon Demo+More

Alola, everyone. As you can tell, I downloaded the Pokémon Sun and Moon demo this morning when it went live; and I am heavily enjoying it. With one month to go until the full game launches, I can't wait to see what my Ash-Greninja DLC can do (I'll most likely be transferring him to Sun, since I'm starting with Litten there).

I'm also about 60% done with my GeGeGe no Kitaro recap; and I hope to have it done soon. Sorry it's taking so long; but midterms are coming up and I want to get my studying done as much as I can first.

As for everything else, I should hopefully get my Halloween other material done after midterms are through with in communications. That will be all for now. See you, space cowboy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Michiyo Yasuda dies at age 77.

Even as I work on my next recap, I must once again report a sad piece of anime news. Michiyo Yasuda; according to Anime News Network, has died of illness at age 77.

Yasuda was a longtime color designer for Studio Ghilbi; whose credits include films such as Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind, Ponyo and The Wind Rises. She won a lifetime achievement award for her work in 2011.

At this difficult time, I wish the best for Yasuda's friends, family and coworkers. May she rest in peace.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

General Update-October 2016

Hello again. To my dismay; I could not get this recap I've been working on out when I wanted, but I will have the first of a few pieces for Halloween out as soon as I have it finished. It is a positive recap of the classic "GeGeGe no Kitaro" by Shigeru Mizuki. Other material I have planned for this month includes Pokémon, Sailor Moon and Yo-Kai Watch. I wanted to do other things; but since I've been so busy with schoolwork, these would most likely be the easiest ones I could do to tie into the month's festivities.

I also have acquired the first of several planned DLC for Volcanion, and I have it downloaded in my copy of Y. The Sun and Moon demo goes live next week; I plan on downloading it as soon as that happens.

On that note, the next few Pokémon Generations shorts since I first made the mobile post on the matter in September have been excellent. It's amazing how much content has been able to fit in just these little 3-5 minute vignettes. The protagonists of the sagas highlighted so far (Red and Gold) have had little to no dialogue, yet I as a viewer am totally invested. No galoshes here, folks.

As for the planned rebrand for Pokémon Sun and Moon: I'm trying to keep an open mind even though it's difficult with how certain parties are reacting to it. I personally don't mind the school-based premise as a student myself; nor the idealistic tone. It's not the first time the show has been retooled like this; and it won't be the last. As for the new art style: I actually kind of like it, and that's coming from a man who considers redesigning artwork to be a crapshoot in itself. I didn't even hate the New Batman Adventures Joker growing up. It's more or less been confirmed that Lillie, the trial captains and Team Skull are going to be involved; and I hope they use them in a way that makes them stand out, especially with the precedent set by previous series. I also hope they include the character of Gladion as a way of rectifying the problems with Alain's character. If all else fails, I can't imagine it being worse than The Legend of Thunder.

So, I will have my next few pieces posted as soon as I'm finished with some big school projects that I'm giving priority to. I will also do some other easy material in November to prep for Pokémon Sun and Moon; tying into the island setting in some way. I intend to get those out before the game launches on November 18. See you, space cowboy.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

An Early October Riff: More Pokémon Sun and Moon News, Halloween Recaps and more.

Hello everyone. Seeing as I'm currently studying communications and journalism this term; and the sales figures for Yo-Kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls appear to be going up, down and sideways; I thought I would talk about a couple things going on this month.

First, there is yesterday morning's leak of information on Pokémon Sun and Moon. A video posted to the official Pokémon YouTube channel has revealed many new things about the games. They include the reveals of the Stage 1 evolutions of the Alola Starters: Dartrix, the evolved form of Rowlet, Torracat; the evolved form of Litten, and Brionne, the evolved form of Popplio. All three have designs that look very pretty; and are sure to be worthy additions to the game's growing number of new Pokémon.

There is also a Festival Plaza with a bevy of new uses for the Streetpass feature; something I appreciate immensely as a bit of a Streetpass junkie. The redesigned PC system, known as the Poké Pelago will allow your Pokémon to gain experience and find rare items and Pokémon. Most of all; there will be a demo coming on October 18; one month before the game's release. Much like the demo for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire in 2014; completing it will allow you to bring over special items and Pokémon from the demo, including the Ash-Greninja form finally being made playable. With the form accessible via the new ability "Battle Bond"; I look forward to the prospect of bringing him over to the full version of the game.

Second, seeing as it's October; I will once again be doing various Halloween-related recaps over the course of this month. I hopefully want to get the first piece I have planned out by this weekend, with the last one out ideally by October 30. You'll just have to wait to see what I have in store for this month.

Lastly, because of my workload; I will have to officially put the Pokémon movie marathon on hold for the time being, though you will see me recap the numerous other movies in the near future from Jirachi Wish Maker onward. I am dismayed that I couldn't do as much as I wanted to once again, though I am at least glad with what I've put out so far this year.

So, I bid you all farewell for now. Bang.