Thursday, February 14, 2013

A sprinkle of anime news for Valentine's Day.

Hello again, and happy Valentine's Day. The writing process has started on the next recap, but for now, I will share some anime news.

First, there is another addition to the new Toonami. The 2008 series Soul Eater is now airing on Saturday nights. Soul Eater is a horror/action series that is replacing Samurai 7 reruns on the block's roster. It begins this coming Saturday night on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network.

Next, we have an update on Digimon Fusion, the upcoming English dub of Digimon Xros Wars. Digimon Fusion will be airing on Nickelodeon this fall; continuing the channel's push to appeal more to boys after losing ratings to Cartoon Network and Disney XD. The series is one of the newest in the long-running Digimon franchise.

Finally, I think I'll throw in another announcement of new anime DVDs. The first volume of Toriko is now on sale on DVD and Blu-Ray. One of the newer series on the market, it is about a young chef who quite literally hunts the best delicacies in the world for restaurants. Another is the complete second season of Digimon; Digimon Adventure 02. This is the first time the series has been released on DVD in years; the previous release was hard to find new and cost hundreds of dollars even used, which had many fans resort to online video piracy instead. Now, there is a set of the second season available for a reasonable price this month.

That is all for now. I have started the writing process for my recap of the fourth episode of Gurren Lagann, but I will probably have to watch it more than once to take screencaps for it. My internet connection has been inconsistent lately. On top of that, I am in the process of moving and things will probably be slower as most of my time will be spent packing. See you space cowboy.


  1. I have started Penguindrum. Don't know what'll come after that. Hey, one of your predictions is coming to Toonami. Will it be good if Soul Eater airs on there?

    1. Most likely. The first few episodes to contain some scenes of a nude Blair in her human form, as does the opening. They'll probably lop those scenes out or just air the show at a time slot when non-fans are asleep. The violence will definitely get a free pass; considering that movies and TV have gotten more lenient on violence but tighter on sex in the past decade (for instance, blood in the 2002 Spider-Man movie was mostly limited to a cut on Peter's arm that becomes a plot point. In the reboot a decade later, The Amazing Spider-Man, he gets shot in the leg by the NYPD and bleeds out very realistically. Both films were rated PG-13, but I think the latter film may very well have gotten an R if it came out ten years ago). I think it will be a hit; even though it does divert from the manga partway through (Full Metal Alchemist by the same authors also did this; there is talk of a Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood-like director's cut version. I personally treat the original FMA like the 1989 Batman movie and Brotherhood like The Dark Knight. As in, a good adaptation made better.) I think I'll also get back on Penguin-Drum. I've also heard it does have some drama elements despite being a comedic series.

  2. Yeah, I've seen some of the dramatic elements in Penguindrum, especially through Ringo. Ooh boy . . . Anyway, how's the recap going?

    1. I have most of the notes taken. I just have to cover the final 7 minutes of the episode and take more screencaps, then I can start writing the actual recap.

  3. Penguindrum, I have completed. Now I'm debating whether to start watching Super Milk-chan or Soul Eater. Which one should I go with?

    1. While I do like Super Milk-Chan, I think you should go with Soul Eater since it seems to be readily available in multiple formats (It's on YouTube, Hulu, Funimation, Netflix, and it just got put on Toonami last Saturday). I've been meaning to get back into it myself.

  4. Do you know where you watched Super Milk-chan? It can't be a site you have to pay for.

    1. I watched it on Adult Swim when it aired, and it is on

  5. Finished Milk-Chan in three days. You said you're gonna review it? Is it gonna be the dub?
