Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Blog Update: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-The Radical Recap.

Hello again. I'm working on a new recap now that Code Geass R2 month is over; and October has come. I'm looking forward to Halloween. I am making a Tron costume (circa Tron Legacy and Tron Uprising), and my family is having a Halloween party.

The next recap will be on the first episode of a two-episode OVA based on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, "Mutant Turtles: Superman Legend". There will be a lot to talk about in it.

I ended up taking over a hundred screencaps for it, and there were many notes taken on it. It is a very bizarre experience to watch it, so I'll be using a few more than usual.

My progress on it is this: I have written three pages of the recap and I'm not even a third of the way through the OVA. It will be a few more days. Normally, the writing process takes about 4 to 5 hours, but it took about 2 hours to write those three pages, so the process will inevitably take much longer.

In the meantime, I recommend that people watch "Binbogami Ga!" It is a series about a poverty god who goes into the real world to teach a rich student a lesson, and to help redistribute her fortune energy amongst her classmates; as she is draining theirs. It manages to deftly blend comedy, drama, fantasy, and has many of great references to other anime (the reference pool contains everything from Dragon Ball and Digimon, to One Piece, to Fist of the North Star, to Detective Conan and more). There are several different fansubs of it, and Funimation has picked it up with an official subtitled version on their website and Hulu. Later.


  1. I remember seeing a recap about the Ninja Turtles OVA from Peter Paltridge (he wrote it for this website called Scary Crayon, instead of his own, which I have mentioned to you before), and the art design looked similar to the 1987 cartoon, but when they got muscles . . . oh boy.

  2. I know I usually don't post after you've responded, but I'm just concerned about when this next blog post will be made.

  3. I'm working on posting it as we speak, but it's pretty big as I've never done a recap of an OVA before. Lots of text to go through, lots of screencaps to post.
