Saturday, April 13, 2013

One Piece Comes to Toonami on May 18. We are on a cruise.

Hello again. Before you ask, yes, I am working on the next recap. I have the notes and screencaps taken for it, I just need to write it up in Open Office and post it. You can expect it within the next week.

The recap is on a mecha series, as is the next one, but I am still not saying which ones. I will however, share a bit more anime news.

I've mentioned in a couple posts how One Piece will be on the new Toonami soon. Well, now we have an airdate and a timeslot.

One Piece will air at 1:00A (Before Soul Eater, which will now be at 1:30A) starting on May 18. The series will start from episode 207 and will be running concurrently with the new dubbed episodes and simulcasts being held on Funimation's website on Saturdays.

I'm not sure if the uncut version which is on the DVDs and online will be able to be broadcast, but the show is airing in a decent timeslot. Late enough that most nonfans and moral guardians will be sleeping, but early enough that you don't necessarily have to set your DVR to not miss out.

As stated before, this means that the "Big 3" series will be airing on the same block (One Piece, Bleach, Naruto). There is some speculation that it may not work, given the series' rocky history in the US and the availability and ease of the simulcast. I believe, that with the state the world is in right now, we could use the optimism of One Piece as much as possible. So far, people seem to be warming up to Funimation's treatment of the series, which is far more faithful to Eiichiro Oda's vision.

As Saturday is one of the days I typically watch One Piece, this announcement is more than satisfactory. So come aboard, and bring along all your hopes and dreams. Together we will find everything that we're looking for. One Piece.

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