Hello again. I know I was planning on making my final post of the year my top 13 anime villain top and my first of next year my top 13 Pokémon villains; but the documents that had my lists went missing on my computer, and as such, will have to be delayed until I can track them down. You may see them further on down the line; possibly in a revised form.
In the meantime; I thought I would do something for my 200th post that I've been meaning to for a while. I am compiling a list of anime that I simply refuse to recap on this blog. So, here are 13 I will never do recaps of for many reasons.
13. Space Dandy
In addition to being Cowboy Bebop's polar opposite in almost every way (and rightfully so); this series is off-the-wall hilarious. It's also very good; and I have no reason to do a recap something unless it's bad, subjective; or I can give a good-natured ribbing. From time to time; I do positive recaps, but my primary focus is giving negative criticism to show issues I have with a given work. Thankfully, Space Dandy proved to be a great addition to the new Toonami and perfect for Shinichiro Watanabe to sendup one of his more notable works. So, no need to worry about it, baby.
12. Any Goro Miyzaki film
Now here's a name that often gets tossed around. Goro Miyazaki; the son of famed director Hayao Miyazaki, is a highly polarizing figure in the community for his films. Notably, many are divided on his skill as a filmmaker beyond name recognition. Frankly, I don't consider the man or his movies to be as bad as folks say; and I do not wish to stir the pot by giving an opinion on something that will inevitably displease anyone who doesn't share this notion. I know there are a few that do; but all the same, I'd rather not risk it.
11. Zatch Bell/Gash Bell
Here's one that would rattle some cages if I looked at it. Not only did I never watch the anime due to its concept in initial run; I wound up disliking it as an adult when I tried watching it this year. Even so, it's actually one of the more popular anime of its type. It even got to the point where Mr. Enter did an Admirable Animation on "Kolulu" solely so he could do a review of an anime. Frankly, who am I to take that away from him? What could I gain from telling people their favorite anime is a piece of shit that's not worthy of being a coaster for my drink? I may have gone after pieces I dislike to prove a point before, and I will probably do so again; but doing this solely to bash the concept when so many others love it is just a cross I cannot bear. Sorry folks, this is one time where it's never gonna happen.
10. Any Hentai or Ecchi
Not only does it clash with my personal sensibilities, Google's content policies pretty much mean it's totally off the table. Anyone expecting me to do La Blue Girl or Strawberry Panic is pretty much out of luck, and I suggest they head elsewhere for that. It's the internet, I'm sure you'll find something.
9. Sgt. Frog or Shin Chan (Tie)
These are gag dubs that are intentionally silly; with the latter show even deliberately choosing episodes to dub based on what they can work with, and turning a somewhat off-kilter show into a vulgar bucket of laughs with more black comedy and pop culture references than a typical episode of South Park or Family Guy. I simply could not do the humor in these justice; because they are downright hilarious. Just go watch them sometime, and you'll see why.
8. Mistudomoe
In a similar case to the previous entry, the work is one I enjoy with humor and a style that I find incredibly funny. The only catalyst I would have is the fact that it didn't do well in Japan; which isn't sufficient enough when I laugh this hard at something.
7. Any "Super-deformed" Mecha series
Again, like with Zatch Bell; even if myself or others dislike the concept, I can't really do a recap unless I have more than that to work with. So for those possibly wanting me to do SD Gundam or MD Geist will have to look elsewhere.
6. Sonic The Hedgehog: The Movie (1999)
Let me make clear that I like this movie, and while there are elements that could irk some (such as the Blue Blur giving the finger to Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik; there really isn't enough I could put together to make something that I would want to write or you would want to read. It's also better than many live-action video game movies, which have a reputation for being horrible (though I admit Duncan Jones' planned "Warcraft" movie might be interesting. We'll see.).
5. Attack on Titan
This is one of many series that has gotten both huge praise and many detractors. I personally fall in the former camp; and I generally don't fall in the latter unless I find genuine fault in something like that. It's not like Code Geass R2, which I do plan on finishing, Popularity isn't enough reason for me to dislike something; as much as bad writing, voice acting or animation is. Believe me when I say I will finish what I started for R2, but you won't see me writing about one of my favorite dark fantasy anime in recent years.
4. Any version of Full Metal Alchemist
I like both the 2003 series and Brotherhood; and I am in the process of reading the manga. It's one of the series that helped cement my fandom, and I don't have much that I can work with; even with Edward's scoffing at his Napoleonic stature.
3. Broader Shojo series
This just isn't my field, guys. As a male, I tend to skew more towards the shonen (young man) crowd; with some dabbling in seinen (adult male) series as well. While there are few shojo (young woman) series I enjoy like Kimi ni Todoke; my Ouran recap made it clear that in addition to my faults with the story, I was in over my head. Barring more episodes of that or Sailor Moon; the wider range of shojo is simply an impenetrable maze. Sorry.
2. Any version of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
While the concept is admittedly unique; the story is a bit confusing; and the fight scenes don't make a whole lot of sense to me. Plus, I haven't seen all that much of it; and it's a highly complex narrative. So, it would require more time and energy than I've had lately to do.
1. The 4Kids Version of One Piece
It's honestly a relic of just how bad some dubs can be. With the uncut and subbed versions now getting the recognition they deserve, I honestly have no need to give it further attention. When this was made, many others found it best not to beat a dead horse after Shaman King angered a lot of the moral guardians. Kahn thought, "wait a minute guys, I bet there's some good whipping left in that horse." These men of vision, who violated dead horses; went on to create this textbook example of how not to dub a series for the west. It even got the point where Eichiro Oda, the creator who normally has the same idealistic spirit as Luffy, pulled the rights from them on the grounds they made a mockery of his series. Furthering this was the fact that when Funimation licensed the show, Toei didn't forget the previous disaster and gave them free rein to make a dub that's truer to the original Japanese version; blood, booze and yelling "bastard!" abound. I still want to some positive recaps of character introduction episodes; but for now, I feel no reason to dig up memories that are best left forgotten.
Coming in 2016: More Top 13s! More Yo-Kai Watch! More Pokémon movies and material for the 20th anniversary! My final Mega Man NT Warrior recap! My first recap of a Yu-Gi-Oh spinoff series! All this and much more await! See you space cowboy!
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Recap: The Strongest Mega Evolution Act IV
The Strongest Mega Evolution Act IV. After a year and a half, we’ve finally reached the last part of this series. I may have been critical of parts of the other three acts, but this is the first one I’ve outright disliked. So, let’s get this over with.
Arceus, they had three specials to establish this part of the ‘verse, and they’re still opening by reminding us of all that happened with this dick sauce Alan? This is going to blow.
Aw, damn it, now Maren apparently knows the professor? Also, why the Hell couldn’t these specials have been about Steven Stone?
So, rather than delve into why Alan behaves this way; we’re instead given 10 battles to prove he’s the strongest. For those who claim that the very first gym battle in Pewter City was the worst; I think many misunderstood what happened. With Ash, we got to see the emotional states he went through upon his arrival in the city: excitement, determination, disappointment over losing, desire to better himself for the next match; sympathy towards Brock’s love for his family, and satisfaction when Brock gave him the badge since he made him realize that his path was not the one he should be following. Even amid all the spectacular animation; the ultimate irony is that first gym battle is more interesting to me than 10 of these Mega Evolution battles.
Even after all these specials; all we know about Alan is that he wants to be strong. Even with the bet that he must give up the Key Stone and Mega Stone after one loss; I don’t really care about that. Before we actually get to the meat of these battles; I still think that Jonathan Silver is a terrible voice actor and I never wanted to have a hipster douchebag like Alan representing me as an older fan.
Also, as Malva looks on; I must point out that I was initially excited to see her here. Sadly, she’s wasted here; since she easily could have played Maren’s role in the story much better. That’s been the fatal flaw of the Mega Evolution Specials for me. While the animation and battles may have been good; compared to the writing and characterization, I can officially say I liked these specials better when they were called Origins.
His first opponent appears to be a mixture of Weevil Underwood and The Penguin; and he favors Mega Venusaur. I really don’t care what happens to these people. Also, his key stone is in a pocket watch for some reason. I’m done trying to hide my displeasure for these specials; so let’s go.
Also, NOW Alan’s VA learns to actually voice act. Way too late for that, dude.
So, now we’re given the first of 10 mindless battles; and from the word go, there are some inaccuracies with the games. First off; Mega Venusaur doesn’t gain immunity from fire attacks. It gets some defensive stat boosts; but it can still be harmed. Second; Venoshock doubles the damage to an opponent that’s already poisoned, it doesn’t poison the opponent by itself. Come on, you got the latter mechanic exactly right with the Roxie battle in Best Wishes. Have you really forgotten that much in three years?
Also, Maren is at the facility for some reason; and apparently doesn’t know what a globe is.
Even the special can’t seem to focus on the battles; hence part of why I think this is the weakest of these specials. The unnamed rivals he faces just. Will. Not. Stop. Talking! In the words of Sam “The Falcon” Wilson: “Man, shut the Hell up.”
The next opponent certifies this, as he’s essentially a clone of Great Tiger from Punch-Out. Even his Mega Alakazam cannot satisfy me now. Thus; here is why this special is where the Mega Evolution Specials have officially failed as alternatives to the mainline series: while there are technically things going on, without any attachment to the characters, there’s no reason to be invested. This really isn’t helped by the special alternating between the battles and trying to tie up the loose ends before XYZ officially starts.
Even then, the battles are reduced to montages; which is something that was one of the few problems with Origins. The key difference is in Origins; we cared about the characters. Even when Maren asks Alan outright why he’s doing this, he flat-out refuses to tell her! Again, what did people see in this man? Am I really supposed to just “fall in love with him” because he’s another character? He’s an asshole! He even tells Maren to go home when she tries to reason with him! Even though I may not be a fan of that character either, was it really necessary to tell her that and leave her crying on the steps of the facility? That is a massive dick move! Well, fans, MarissonShippers, I hope it was worth it to have a character relationship that’s now more dysfunctional than NERV. I still think even Gendo would find this to be too far.
Then, Chespy stumbles upon something that officially kicks off the events of XY and Z: the Zygarde core. She wastes no time in freeing it; but is injured in the process! Don’t worry, I have a bit prepared for later.
Now, comes the final battle against Malva. While I should be invested; I honestly find Alan so unlikable that a large part of me wants him to lose and hang up the Key Stone and Mega Stone. Do you understand this? When I’m actively hoping a character will fail at the task at hand; you’ve done something wrong.
Amid all the spectacular animation and flawless choreography between Mega Charizard and Mega Houndoom; we are told things about these characters but rarely shown any of it. Even after Alan wins; it’s clear he may have been introduced, but in no way established. Even his finding out about Chespy’s condition comes completely out of nowhere because of how he’s spent three specials as a dour loner, rarely showing emotion until the final moments!
What’s more however, is the fact that this character was created solely to appeal to my demographic; as were these specials. My biggest problem is these elements aren’t what got me into Pokémon. Despite Alan and Malva’s claims; Alan has utterly failed as a protagonist and as a human being.
The dub more accurately has Malva say he’s irritating; backhanded compliment afterwards be damned. Despite his claims; I don’t trust him to accomplish this goal of curing Chespin’s illness, since what little development he’s been given here feels like an afterthought as the special ends with him engaging in yet another fucking battle against a trainer with a Mega Banette.
Thus ends The Strongest Mega Evolution, a sometimes-entertaining but ultimately flawed take on Pokémon. While a bit better than Chronicles; especially The Legend of Thunder; it lacks a lot of the fun or likable characters that made the franchise enjoyable to me in the first place. The spectacular animation and battles are hampered by the fact that I never was able to latch on to Alan or Maren as characters, and I probably never will. Characters like Han Solo and Princess Leia work because we can put ourselves in their stead; and we can see strains of ourselves in the characters with their flaws and motives. Luke Skywalker works because we see his dreams and goals very early on; which makes it that much more satisfying when they’re accomplished.
Therefore; I now totally reject the idea of Alan or these specials being all that necessary, given how Ash, Pikachu and their kin over the years are better characters and better people. Anyone can relate to them, regardless of where they fall as a fan. Characters like Goku, Luffy, Sailor Moon, and the Elrics from Full Metal Alchemist work because people can easily relate to them and want to see their journey through. Their thought process is easy to follow; and we get a sense of satisfaction whenever we see them take another step on their journeys. I can’t “fall in love with” a character that barely seems capable of expressing love himself.
Despite this; I think there’s an opportunity for XY and Z to learn from these, as with any future specials. They honestly aren’t the worst of their kind; even if they’re not what I was hoping for. They did at least try to genuinely give older fans something different. It may not have always worked; but the Mega Evolution specials can definitely be used as teaching tools for any people who want to work on a new version of the anime in the future.
I think I need to watch some of the stuff I like to detox from this. Whatever happens next, I shall simply say this: The future is now, so let’s make it a good one. Bang.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Recap: Present
Hello again, and Merry Christmas everyone! As a special treat, I’m going to do a recap on something i’ve been wanting to for a long time; but never got a chance to. I will be looking at the slice-of-life series Ichigo Mashimaro; and it will be equal parts a gift to myself and you all this season. So, let’s all have fun and open up “Present;” true in every sense of its title.
The show opens with a light and bouncy title theme; by its own admission. Have a listen for yourself and see.
We open on Miu, one of the girls in this quartet of school-age children; waking up her friend Chi with a snowball. I know it’s tradition in Japan; but why would she be barefoot on the roof? Her toes would be frozen in no time.
Also, their den mother; Nobue, uses the cold to simulate cigarette smoke. Little side note: while Nobue is 16 in the manga, she’s 20 here. This grants her a bit more leeway with things like this.
The title card is also enjoyably simple; much like a child’s writing.
Generally, the premise is built on finding humor in everyday life; such as when the girls would rather build a snowman than help Nobue shovel out the driveway. Ah, youth.
Everyone then goes inside to play dolls; as little girls often do, and Matsuri observes that it’s a “Riko-chan” doll; a take-off on the real-life brand Licca-Chan.
Over the course of their playtime; we see the premise of this episode start unfold: how will Matsuri receive her present if she no longer believes in Santa Claus?
It is here that Miu reveals how she learned the truth.
One year, she asked for a stoplight, and got three flashlights tied together.
Another time, she asked for a sumo wrestler and got a costume. Those are pretty fun.
The year after that, she asked for a spa and was given bath salts; until she was given a letter that explained everything. More on that later.
So, as we enter the second half; Miu dresses up like Santa as Chi, Ana, and Nobue back her up as reindeer. Their objective: to leave a Harry Potter book for Matsuri and give her something to believe in.
They find she already has the book; but all the same, still keep her Christmas spirit alive and full of wonder.
As everyone heads home, Matsuri falls asleep with the book in her grasp; and she has accepted the belief even though she knows what I do: Santa Claus lives inside everyone that wants to embody his image of goodwill and generosity. My mother, my father, my brother, me and everyone else. That is the key reason why I decided to do this episode; as it manages to capture the feeling of being in this stage of life as a child; regardless of where you come from.
Time passes, and everyone heads back to school; including Nobue.
Also, there’s this strange running gag where their homeroom teacher sends a male student out in the hall for increasingly minor infractions; and it gets turned on its head in this last episode, with the teacher instead. I guess that he just doesn’t like that kid.
So, all the same, we close this episode and this series on Nobue having a smoke by the riverbank. Sorry about how short this recap is; but I think it’s ideal to take a breather this way, knowing what lies ahead.
“Present” is exactly that: a beautiful gift as the final episode of Ichigo Mashimaro in its initial run. The animation is beautiful, and the series’ relaxing vibes shine through in this lovely episode. It’s the ideal end to a great series. I simply cannot make clearer how much I enjoy it; so please go watch it if you haven’t already.
After Christmas, however; is another story. Check back with me then as I bury the hatchet on one of my biggest disappointments ever: Pokémon The Strongest Mega Evolution Act IV. See you space cowboy.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Recap: Baffling the Bouffalant
Hello again. To those who have seen the new Star Wars: what did you think of it? To those that haven’t, I shall simply say this: Stop worrying… it’s amazing!
As such, it’s given me just the motivation I need to work on this recap for oxen in my Chinese Zodiac theme! While my quota for Tauros had previously been filled by the banned “Legend of Dratini/Legend of Miniryu” episode; I did find a close cousin in the Bouffalant line in Unova. So, let’s open up “Baffling the Bouffalant” and have us a funky good time!
We open on Ash, Iris and Cilan having lunch with their Pokémon on their way to Mistralton City. I’m just going on record to say that I like Iris and Cilan. I’m going to type this again to make sure you understand: I like Iris and Cilan. I just thought that would be good to know before I continued.
As Ash tries to break up an argument between Tepig and Oshawott; a Bouffalant comes charging through the area like the First Order was wrecking up Jakku!
Everyone manages to escape, but they get separated as a result! So, this episode is pretty much the Best Wishes version of the Johto episode “Forest Grumps;” and we’ll probably get to that one sometime.
While the Rival Destinies theme doesn’t stand out that much at me; I do like how fancy the title card art is. The art department for the BW series definitely took advantage of the flashy toys at their disposal, and I love them for that.
Ash checks his Pokédex for information on Bouffalant, which reveals they are very territorial Pokémon. Well, that’s convenient for this episode!
Iris then chastises Tepig, Oshawott and Snivy for arguing with each other; saying they need to get out of this mess together!
Also, I don’t know why; but Best Wishes had to have some of my favorite facial animations of any saga up to that point. Just look at Iris’ face! It fits her snarky, neo-Misty personality perfectly.
Then, Nurse Joy comes by with Audino; and here is the one of the primary reasons why I decided to recap this episode: the only way to be safe from the Bouffalant is to wear an afro, but the dub renders this as a “curly wig;” creating an unintentionally hilarious stigma against the word “afro” in the dub.
Regardless; everyone is given the wigs, and Tepig and Oshawott must try very hard not to laugh at each other as a result!
Somehow, Axew gets separated from everyone; but is able to elude the Bouffalant because of getting a bush stuck on his horn!
Nurse Joy then tells the whole story to Ash and Cilan, and provides everyone else with the “curly wigs.” Ash’s expression when he puts his on is priceless.
Through a freak accident, Axew loses his bush; but gets a new one from Iris as the journey continues.
Amid all the chaos; Iris and the Pokémon lose their wigs in order to get medicine for an injured Bouffalant! Why? It turns out with all their roughhousing, the Bouffalant injure themselves constantly! Kind of dark for such a lighthearted episode, to be frank.
To thank her, the Bouffalant then protects Iris from its kin; all while Iris sports hair that almost makes her look like a puffed-up Wookiee!
Everyone reunites, and they find their way out of the forest.
After returning the “curly wigs;” everyone continues on their way to Mistralton City! By jove, that was a confusing day.
“Baffling the Bouffalant” is a fun and silly adventure in Best Wishes; and not just because of the dub’s bizarre stigma against the word “Afro.” I didn’t even show you half of how busy this episode was; because it’s a comic goldmine. The colorful animation and snappy characters are perfect to fit the mood. I’ve been enjoying this episode again and again for a while now, and hope to do so again in the near future.
Now, I will once again have to change up what I wanted to do, bumping my planned recap for tigers in the cycle to another time. Instead, I have a special surprise planned for Christmas eve; and you’ll just have to wait and see what it is. See you, space cowboy!
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Hoopa and the Clash of Ages to Air Saturday on Cartoon Network, The Strongest Mega Evolution Act IV Coming December 26.
Hello again. I've begun work on my recap of "Baffling the Bouffalant," and I hope to have it out soon; so I can get started on my other recaps I want to do this month. Plus, I'm seeing Star Wars: The Force Awakens when it opens Friday night; so I'll be preoccupied with that.
That said, my other notable childhood obsession is getting its latest movie aired soon. "Pokémon: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages" will be airing on Cartoon Network on Saturday evening; marking the 18th film installment in the long-running series. The film officially introduces the new Pokémon Hoopa to the franchise as a crisis involving a myriad of Legendary Pokémon breaks out in Tahara City, with Ash; Bonnie, Clemont and Pikachu getting caught in the crossfire.
Having seen the film when its Canadian airing leaked online; I would definitely be willing to watch it again for when it officially comes stateside.
There is also another matter to address: The Strongest Mega Evolution Act IV, the final installment in the Mega Evolution specials; will also air on December 26. I plan to finish what I started; which is once again making me change my plans for this year. I still want to recap things for my Chinese Zodiac theme and have something planned for Christmas Eve; but I want to finally be done with these specials.
While I am optimistic about where XYZ goes (having seen up to the debut of Ash-Greninja in Japanese); unless Alan can be fleshed out more as a character, he's beyond saving and must be stopped. I think Andre of Black Nerd Comedy said it best in his look at this year's reboot of Fantastic Four: "There's a difference between making something serious and making something lifeless!"
Despite Alan's words at the end of the Japanese version; it's clear to me that everything that's happened in the Mega Evolution specials is entirely his fault. If he had never taken the Key Stone and Mega Stone from Lysander; none of this would have happened. He was meant as a character that appeals to my demographic; but I honestly don't see the appeal in a dour-faced asshole with little to no justification for what he does. The fact that Kensho Ono and Jonathan Silver are such terrible voice actors really doesn't help.
While not the worst parts of the Pokémon universe I've seen; The Strongest Mega Evolution has been highly insufferable because of the potential it had and never truly took advantage of. There were some great battles and spectacular animation; but they were ultimately bogged down by dull scripts and flat characters that lacked the joy and wonder that I liked about it in the first place.
As for being "darker," here are a few Pokémon anime and manga adaptations that are better than The Strongest Mega Evolution: the Japanese version of the first movie, Mewtwo Returns; the Diamond and Pearl series; Episode N, Origins, Adventures/Special, Diamond and Pearl Adventure, and The Electric Tale of Pikachu. All of these contain better writing and characters than Alan; and they're in many ways, a lot better made.
At best, I could see this rumored interplay between Ash and Alan being handled akin to the former's dynamic with Paul; and to a lesser extent, Trip. Otherwise, I could be totally fine if it never happened at all.
Let me make clear that I'm not against the idea of having new characters or entries in something I love. I'm eager to see what Finn, Rey, and Kylo Ren bring to the table in this new movie as I am for the return of Luke, Leia, and Han Solo. It's just that a character needs to be more than just new if we're going to follow them on their journey. We need qualities that we can sympathize with; so we could theoretically want to associate with them, let alone battle them. I've made it quite clear that I don't think Alan has those qualities; I think Ash does. Even when he battles an Elite Four member or Champion informally; he sees them as friends as much as he does opponents. Alan just looks at someone like Siebold or Malva and sees them as obstacles. I still mean what I said in prior writings about the franchise: if people like Alan become the primary focus of the series; it will inevitably turn the next generation of fans into nihilists if they don't have more idealistic trainers to put themselves in the shoes of.
With the 20th anniversary of the franchise looming over 2016; there will be much to see from everything. Depending on what happens over the course of XYZ; I still find Alan so unlikable that I honestly want to flash-fry him with a well-placed Scald from Volcanion. That is why I am still daring him to prove me wrong. That's all for now. See you space cowboy.
That said, my other notable childhood obsession is getting its latest movie aired soon. "Pokémon: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages" will be airing on Cartoon Network on Saturday evening; marking the 18th film installment in the long-running series. The film officially introduces the new Pokémon Hoopa to the franchise as a crisis involving a myriad of Legendary Pokémon breaks out in Tahara City, with Ash; Bonnie, Clemont and Pikachu getting caught in the crossfire.
Having seen the film when its Canadian airing leaked online; I would definitely be willing to watch it again for when it officially comes stateside.
There is also another matter to address: The Strongest Mega Evolution Act IV, the final installment in the Mega Evolution specials; will also air on December 26. I plan to finish what I started; which is once again making me change my plans for this year. I still want to recap things for my Chinese Zodiac theme and have something planned for Christmas Eve; but I want to finally be done with these specials.
While I am optimistic about where XYZ goes (having seen up to the debut of Ash-Greninja in Japanese); unless Alan can be fleshed out more as a character, he's beyond saving and must be stopped. I think Andre of Black Nerd Comedy said it best in his look at this year's reboot of Fantastic Four: "There's a difference between making something serious and making something lifeless!"
Despite Alan's words at the end of the Japanese version; it's clear to me that everything that's happened in the Mega Evolution specials is entirely his fault. If he had never taken the Key Stone and Mega Stone from Lysander; none of this would have happened. He was meant as a character that appeals to my demographic; but I honestly don't see the appeal in a dour-faced asshole with little to no justification for what he does. The fact that Kensho Ono and Jonathan Silver are such terrible voice actors really doesn't help.
While not the worst parts of the Pokémon universe I've seen; The Strongest Mega Evolution has been highly insufferable because of the potential it had and never truly took advantage of. There were some great battles and spectacular animation; but they were ultimately bogged down by dull scripts and flat characters that lacked the joy and wonder that I liked about it in the first place.
As for being "darker," here are a few Pokémon anime and manga adaptations that are better than The Strongest Mega Evolution: the Japanese version of the first movie, Mewtwo Returns; the Diamond and Pearl series; Episode N, Origins, Adventures/Special, Diamond and Pearl Adventure, and The Electric Tale of Pikachu. All of these contain better writing and characters than Alan; and they're in many ways, a lot better made.
At best, I could see this rumored interplay between Ash and Alan being handled akin to the former's dynamic with Paul; and to a lesser extent, Trip. Otherwise, I could be totally fine if it never happened at all.
Let me make clear that I'm not against the idea of having new characters or entries in something I love. I'm eager to see what Finn, Rey, and Kylo Ren bring to the table in this new movie as I am for the return of Luke, Leia, and Han Solo. It's just that a character needs to be more than just new if we're going to follow them on their journey. We need qualities that we can sympathize with; so we could theoretically want to associate with them, let alone battle them. I've made it quite clear that I don't think Alan has those qualities; I think Ash does. Even when he battles an Elite Four member or Champion informally; he sees them as friends as much as he does opponents. Alan just looks at someone like Siebold or Malva and sees them as obstacles. I still mean what I said in prior writings about the franchise: if people like Alan become the primary focus of the series; it will inevitably turn the next generation of fans into nihilists if they don't have more idealistic trainers to put themselves in the shoes of.
With the 20th anniversary of the franchise looming over 2016; there will be much to see from everything. Depending on what happens over the course of XYZ; I still find Alan so unlikable that I honestly want to flash-fry him with a well-placed Scald from Volcanion. That is why I am still daring him to prove me wrong. That's all for now. See you space cowboy.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Recap: The Apple Corp
Hello again. By the time you read this; I will be on Christmas vacation. Given how past holiday seasons have turned out rather well; I thought I would do some recaps that are equal parts presents to myself and to you all. It also happens that I managed to find a silly little Johto filler for my Chinese Zodiac theme; this time with rats! While Pichu may be once again fudging the rules a bit; I thought it would be nice to share something that my 10-year-old self found quite amusing. So, let’s open up the “The Apple Corp,” regardless of whether it’s being run by someone played by Michael Fassbender, Leonardo DiCaprio, or even Ashton Kutcher!
We open on Ash, Misty, and Brock continuing on their journey across the Johto region when Pikachu smells something delicious.
Ash concurs, and they come across a large apple orchard. While everyone thinks it looks delicious; they decide against having a taste for the obvious reason it doesn’t belong to them. Now those berries that grow outside each city: those are usually up for grabs even if the citizens have yet to master the concept of a deadbolt.
One by one, the apples start disappearing; and Pikachu is fingered as the culprit! Brock then tries to come onto the farm girl.
Ash then examines the teeth marks on the apple; and determines that Pikachu couldn’t have made them, since his teeth are wider than the bite marks!
The farm girl, Charlene; invites everyone into her home, and points out that it’s time for the harvest; which means it won’t be easy on her own to gather the apples in the orchard!
Which means, say it with me now: She needs help. They’re the only ones who can do it, they don’t have the time in their schedule; but they’re going to anyway! See, I knew you could do it.
With baskets on their backs; Charlene points out the noisemakers she rigged to trip up any thieves after her crops.
Of course, Meowth uses this claw to bypass the noisemakers; and gather more of the apples as well!
Then, Meowth has the apple he ripped off get ripped off!
The noisemakers all start going off at once, just as some little yellow thieves are leaping across the trees!
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Pikachu catches up to the Pichu; and promptly chastises him and his comrades for their actions.
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Pikachu! (Translation: Explain yourselves, or I'll bury you deeper than Super Mystery Dungeon buried Yo-Kai Watch!) |
However, it turns out there’s a whole bunch of Pichu around; and they’re in danger of a Fearow!
Ash scans the Pichu with his Pokédex, confirming that they’re Pikachu’s pre-evolution; and can’t attack without shocking themselves! It’s true, and I’m glad they finally removed that mechanic in games from X and Y onward.
Even so, it still remains when they try to hold off the Fearow; only having the ability to stun it before getting tuckered out!
Pikachu saves them; and the Pichu return the apples out of gratitude. However, Charlene agrees to let them have some of the apples due to wild fruit being scarcer than usual. This also presents a conundrum: if they partake, will they be willing to leave?
More on that later, as Team Rocket starts formulating a plot to take the apples for themselves!
Back at the orchard; Ash starts leading the Pichu with his Pikachu to protect the fruit from a bunch of Pidgey.
Pikachu then shows the Pichu how to gather the fruit for everyone! That way, they all get something to eat; and everyone gets their share!
Charlene is quite pleased with the help from the Pichu; and rewards them with fresh apple slices!
Just then, Team Rocket comes in with a plan to seize the apples and the Pichu with a giant vacuum; or as they call it, their Super Sucker!
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Commence operation Vacu-Suck! |
They nip Pikachu, and start sucking the electricity from him; which powers all their gadgets! Also, am I the only one that finds it weird that James is somehow watching a Pokémon anime on his TV in THIS Pokémon anime? It’d be like Mario playing a Mario game in his timeline! … We’ll talk in a little while.
In moments, Pikachu is totally drained, and they enact the next phase of their plan.
They start gathering the apples with their device!
Everyone calls them on their behavior, saying this will not stand! This aggression will not stand, man!
The Pichu try to help, but they’re not strong enough!
Then, they switch their machine from suck to blow; but the Pichu are undeterred!
One by one, they form a chain and power up Pikachu with the last of their strength!
With his energy recharged, Pikachu gleefully smiles in satisfaction!
Their combined strength is enough to send Team Rocket blasting off! How unprofessional. You should always get a good surge protector for your devices.
While everyone is a little cooked, they’re OK. With all this said and done, everyone continues along their way!
“The Apple Corp” is one of the more delightfully silly Johto fillers that I enjoyed in my youth. While one Pichu is always pretty fun for me; a whole gaggle of them is much more so. I can see why I breed so many of them; and plan on Wonder Trading them as gifts for any new trainers this Christmas.
With oxen being next in the cycle after rats; check back soon for my look at “Baffling the Bouffalant!” See you, space cowboy!
Thursday, December 3, 2015
A Long December, There is reason to believe this year was much Better than the last.
Hello again. Well, finals are Monday; but after that, I should be able to do a few more recaps before the year is out. It's been my most productive year yet for this blog even if I once again couldn't do everything I wanted to.
Nevertheless; I intend to do a few more recaps with my Chinese Zodiac theme (I want to be finished before the actual Year of the Monkey occurs in 2016); with rats being next in the cycle, closely followed by oxen and tigers.
I also have something planned for Christmas; but you'll have to wait and see what it is. Rest assured, these will all be positive recaps; and you'll probably see more critical ones in 2016.
Last but not least; I couldn't help but notice I haven't done a Top 13 list in a while, so to help closeout 2015 and the first half of the new tens; my plans for New Year's include revised versions of my personal top 13 anime villains, both Pokémon and non. There are to be two separate lists as such; to be posted as 2015 ends and 2016 begins.
So, in between studying for finals; I will probably get to my recap for rats in the cycle. You should see it soon; and I hopefully won't have to forgo the screencaps like I did with my look at "Guardian of the Disks." See you, space cowboy.
Nevertheless; I intend to do a few more recaps with my Chinese Zodiac theme (I want to be finished before the actual Year of the Monkey occurs in 2016); with rats being next in the cycle, closely followed by oxen and tigers.
I also have something planned for Christmas; but you'll have to wait and see what it is. Rest assured, these will all be positive recaps; and you'll probably see more critical ones in 2016.
Last but not least; I couldn't help but notice I haven't done a Top 13 list in a while, so to help closeout 2015 and the first half of the new tens; my plans for New Year's include revised versions of my personal top 13 anime villains, both Pokémon and non. There are to be two separate lists as such; to be posted as 2015 ends and 2016 begins.
So, in between studying for finals; I will probably get to my recap for rats in the cycle. You should see it soon; and I hopefully won't have to forgo the screencaps like I did with my look at "Guardian of the Disks." See you, space cowboy.
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