Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Top 13 "WTF?" Moments from Devilman Crybaby

Warning: This list contains spoilers for the events of Devilman Crybaby. It contains description of many violent and disturbing scenes and is not intended for younger audiences. Read at your own risk.

Happy Halloween everyone. Now that my final year of this blog is almost done, I thought I would do something I know I could only do when I've come this far. Earlier this year, the anime Devilman Crybaby began streaming on Netflix. This latest anime adaptation of Go Nagai's landmark manga classic is definitely an anime that was something I was keeping an eye on before I finally watched. I can say that my curiosity was rewarded by a gloriously hard-R series that takes full advantage of its platform and its demographic. So, in honor of this occasion, I thought I would do a list of my personal top 13 "WTF?" moments of Devilman Crybaby. Let's open it up.

1. The First "Sabbath," Episode 1

Right from the word "go," this anime lets you know exactly what you're in for from the first episode. A timid young man named Akira is taken to a party known as “Sabbath” by his childhood friend Ryo, who has definitely changed since he came back from his studies overseas. The party is a place where demons are known to gather in depravity, which Ryo seeks to document. Sure enough, this leads into the next moment in an ocean of debauchery, gold blood and the most fascinating forbidden party since “Eyes Wide Shut.”

2. “I Was a Teenage Demon,” Episode 2

After Akira’s experience at the Sabbath party, his looks and personality change significantly. I know the whole “virgin vs chad” meme is common, but it definitely fits. After just one episode, Akira went from “is your daughter home?” to “your daughter calls me daddy too.”

3. "Girls on Film," Episode 3

This episode is definitely one that is messed up given recent events, wherein someone tries to take pictures of Akira's childhood friend Miki in a compromising position; and is one of the many arguments for watching the series in private, so to speak. Just 3 episodes in, it definitely earned its TV-MA rating.

4. “Airport ‘18”, Episode 4

At the start of the series, Akira’s parents are overseas on business; but send him shoes from time to time. This episode has them return home to Japan. Unfortunately, Akira’s father has become a demon;  which results in him engulfing his mother and close to everyone else at the airport; forcing their son’s hand to stop him. Guess that’s why security got kind of tight earlier this year. For the record, I am pretty ticklish; especially in my feet, which brings me to my next moment.

5. Akira’s “Bedroom Eyes,” Episode 5

After the loss of his parents, Akira starts to have romantic feelings for Miki, to the point he
has an erotic dream and blows his wad all over the ceiling. To paraphrase Lionel Richie: “Ooh what a feeling when you’re coming on the ceiling!” My usual Lonely Island joke was too obvious.

6. “Hungry, Thirsty” Silene, Episode 5

On that note, the demon Silene has an extreme desire for Akira; or anything that can cater to her tastes, for that matter. The whole thing has definitely cemented my appreciation of this anime.

7. "Neither Human Nor Demon," Episode 6

This entire episode is definitely one giant WTF moment on its own. It turns out that not only does the star of the male track team have an alternative lifestyle, he's also a demon. His powers are drawn out by Ryo at the track meet; and massive carnage and chaos ensues.

8. "She's A Little Runaway," Episode 7

The female track star also has demonic tendencies of her own, especially when the lid is blown off their operation in the episode preceding this one. Demons start to appear at a much more frequent rate, and not just with Miko.

9. "We Need to Talk About Taro," Episode 7

It turns out that Taro, a youngster who idolizes Devilman (not just Akira, it turns out that the original Devilman also exists in this 'verse) is slowly becoming a demon himself; which results in him being escorted out of the city by his mother to protect him. Figures: if it's not your kid becoming an obscurus, it's your kid becoming a demon.

10. "Xenon 4: Xenon Goes to Hell," Episode 8

With the arrival of the demon Xenon, the remainder of the series doesn't let up at all. Not only does the general prove to be one of the biggest threats of this anime; it's also one of the major catalysts for who Ryo really is; and I will get into why in the remaining moments.

11. "The Betrayal," Episode 8

As the bodies begin to pile up, the conflicts between humanity and demons reach a head in this episode; where Ryo starts to show his true colors by outing Akira and everyone else who's a Devilman to the world; setting the stage for the end of the series.

12. "Go to Hell, You Mortals," Episode 9

The penultimate episode is easily another one big WTF moment on its own; with close to everyone who's left alive becoming a target at this point in the story. While I've previously pointed out this kind of plot thread is easy to screw up and hard to get right, it's another example of how to do this kind of plot well: that being a main character doesn't automatically grant you plot armor for what's going on. Instead, the second to last episode of the first season (maybe the series) is effectively the Rogue One or "Red Wedding" of the show; and close to all the remaining characters are killed as all Hell is quite literally about to break loose.

13. "Hell on Earth 2018," Episode 10

As the finale centers around the titular "Crybaby," it's definitely one that's symbolic as it is dramatic. It turns out that Ryo is really the human form of the devil himself, taking advantage of what was going on for his own gain. The world is at its end, Akira is cut in half; and the world becomes the moon of a new world. Also, Ryo/Satan is nude; and his junk is on full display. ... Anybody want some orange juice?

While this series is definitely not for the faint of heart, it's definitely worth watching. Though I am unfamiliar with the Devilman series as a whole or the director's previous work; I am definitely interested in checking both of them art. Personally, if you're interested in a brutally entertaining yet surprisingly entertaining series; this anime is for you. Also, it has some of the most memetic running cycles I've seen in recent years.

With this, I will bid you all good night. Happy Halloween, everyone.

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