Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Review- "The Sunlit Garden: Prelude and Finale" (Revolutionary Girl Utena)

Hey everyone- to lead off this part of my 10th anniversary on this blog; I just want people to know this about my look at "The Sun, the Sea and the Host Club:" if I had known the trajectory the last decade would take; I would have approached that differently. Second, rather than simply revisit those waters; I thought I would do something a bit different by looking at anime of that persuasion I actually like, which happens to be the classic Revolutionary Girl Utena. Let's open up "The Sunlit Garden: Prelude and Finale."

After the intro, the first part opens on a vast, ornate area. Inside, the titular Utena Tenju is dueling with a young man named Miki Kaoru for the "Rose Bride:" Anthy Himemiya. I actually really like the transition here, as Miki is revealed to be playing the piano in the BGM. The song he's playing is called "The Sunlit Garden," which has multiple meanings beyond the title.

Elsewhere, Utena and a classmate have to retake a math test they failed; and Anthy is accosted by others for allegedly causing Miki to pull out of a music competition. As we're about to find out; the truth is far more complicated than that. After Miki breaks them up, he discovers a sheet of music in with Anthy's books. 

Spotting them from the window, Miki is also found out later in the library by Juri of the student council. He's correcting one of the aforementioned math tests, and we'll touch on that more in a bit. It was Anthy's test; and this will be particularly important later. This is especially true as Utena realizes Miki is part of the student council.

Miki continues playing the Sunlit Garden; and we get a glimpse of one of the other meanings of the song: an actual garden where he played the song in years past; which will be vital in the next part of this story.

As Miki looks over a photo of Anthy, trouble begins to brew. This leads to one of the signature elements of this anime: the shadow puppets elaborating on the plot, which has been homaged many times over the years; as has Utena itself.

Miki arrives to help study for the makeup test, with another student named Nanami in tow. Inside their dorms; she makes her move to try and discredit Anthy as a weirdo. Her first attempt is to hide a snail in her pencil case.

This doesn’t work as planned, as her case is actually full of the mollusks! Moreover, Miki feels no differently towards Anthy.

Nanami's second plan is to plant a snake in the desk; having caught it for just such a purpose. Heading towards the desk, she makes her next move.

This also goes to pot when a mongoose that was in the desk eats the snake, and Miki's view on Anthy still doesn't change; much to Nanami's disappointment.

Nanami then goes for the Hail Mary on her third plan: to plant an octopus in Anthy's closet! What could possibly go wrong?

Surprise surprise! Rule of three means a much bigger octopus float is in the closet, with Miki's opinion of Anthy none the worse for wear.

To top it all off, a mouse named ChuChu eats all their refreshments, and while the others take a snack break, Nanami laments how much animals have it out for her. It's definitely something that comes up later; but I'm getting ahead of myself. After a round of shaved ice, Nanami finally lets slip why she's there; but Miki's reasons for his affections toward Anthy are much more complex than initially believed.

Anthy goes to play the piano, and the others (sans Nanami) are impressed by her musical ability. In particular, Miki recognizes the song as the "Sunlit Garden" that he used to play with his sister! To be continued, right now.

The second part of our story picks up about where the first leaves off, with a fencing match. Would you believe that actually isn't the most on-the-nose foreshadowing in this episode?

Miki defeats Juri in battle, leading us to our title card. After that, we see Anthy tending the garden as she's given a watering can by Miki. As she waters the roses, we get another flashback to when Miki was in the garden. Utena enters, following ChuChu on his skateboard. How is this not making sense to you all?

After Utena asks if she's interrupting anything, she watches Anthy practice the piano with Miki. It's honestly a pretty touching scene, all things considered. Especially as Miki recalls "The Sunlit Garden" while Anthy plays. One day, Miki was bedridden with measles; preventing him from playing a concert with his sister. His sister was so devastated that not only did she leave the venue, she never played the piano again after that. It was only when Miki met Anthy that he met the desire to make music again; and perhaps something more?

As Utena and Anthy wonder about this; Miki approaches the student council to call for their dissolution! Though kind of heady a scene, there is some good symbolism with the fruit; and I do like the music here.

After the council meeting (and a tense meetup with his sister outside the music room), Miki enters to find the councilor leaning over the piano with his shirt open; as Anthy comes in too. Before the councilor leaves and the next practice stars; he tells Miki that the fiancee of the Rose Bride can control their destiny. He also tells Miki that even if he did agree to the council's dissolution; he would still have to make his own play for the Rose Bride.

Utena continues studying for her makeup exam; and Miki has some fantastic dramatic timing, entering the room as people start asking who Utena is being tutored by. He hands Utena a white rose, saying he'll see her in the arena after class. Usually it's a gloved gauntlet, but other than that; no notes.

The shadow puppets return, this time in the livery of pirates. Having officially started Punk Hazard (about caught up on the manga), I can now vouch for this being only the second strangest sea I've sailed.

Honoring Miki's request, Utena shows up for the duel after class as promised. The ensuing fight is preceded by Utena's ascent up the chambers; and it's a great buildup. The duel between Miki and Utena also parallels the fencing match that opened this part perfectly, and the animation in this whole third act is simply incredible.

Utena wins the duel, and Miki realizes his error in the moments before the final blow is dealt! Though it would never work out between them, Miki agrees to better himself and Anthy says it's OK if they can still be friends; or at the very least study partners. We close on his sister continuing to practice; and Miki vowing to do more for his next duel.

Though I openly admit shojo isn't really my field, I do consider Utena to be a worthwhile anime; and "The Sunlit Garden: Prelude and Finale" is a great example of how. Everything from the art direction to the character work is what I wanted Ouran to be; and I again apologize if what I said in years' past hits differently now. Had I known what trajectory the decade would take, I would have approached things another way. My next review will be in a bit more familiar waters, but you'll just have to wait and see which ones. I will see you all again soon, take care.

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