Monday, March 9, 2015

Recap: Pikachu's Goodbye

The time has come to finally talk about my favorite episode in the entire Pokémon series. Picking up where we left off, we open on a massive forest full of Pikachu; much to the delight of Ash’s Pikachu. Ash, Misty, and Brock remark how much Pikachu likes it there; and Ash begins to ponder about what to do.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket eyes the Pikachu with the intent to seize them all. Suddenly, one Pikachu falls down the river; and Ash’s Pikachu tries to rescue it, but it’s only with the help of all the Pikachu that they’re saved!

That night; Ash continues to wonder if he’s making the right decision over dinner, even staying awake through the night while all the Pikachu are celebrating. This is the surest example of how he takes the feelings of his Pokémon into account whenever he makes a decision about them. If this episode was made in the damage control from Electric Soldier Porygon, then I couldn’t think of a better one to start the show’s run again.

Then, Team Rocket makes their move on the Pikachu with an eco-friendly net; and James suggests Ash, Misty, and Brock “check out their website.” Oh, those days of waiting an hour to see one jpg of an upcoming episode. Now, I can see the bulk of the series on my phone.

Jessie, James, and Meowth gloat over their catch with many Pika-puns, but the Pikachu eat through the net and escape. Ash’s Pikachu is the one to save the day as he punctures their balloon; sending them blasting off once again.

Ash, trying to hold back tears; as is the audience, ultimately decides to leave Pikachu behind as he runs off into the night; a montage of their closest moments to that point playing to “The Time Has Come.”

Even as Brock and Misty try to question his decision; Ash insists that Pikachu will be happier, and he can protect the others this way. Just then, a familiar figure appears on the hill as the sun rises.

It’s Pikachu! The episode ends in a manner worthy of being called my favorite episode; with Ash embracing Pikachu in his arms. I am using that moment alone to easily offer a rebuttal to Dogasu for his negative recap of this episode; as well as the idea that we need different adaptations other than what we already have. I’m looking at you, The Strongest Mega Evolution!

While this episode may not have had the biggest battles or the most spectacular victories; it has what any episode I admire does and what any work I view needs: genuine human emotion. With that on the table; I can easily say that this is the best of the series in a single episode in a similar manner to “Baby Doll” for Batman: The Animated Series or “The City on the Edge of Forever” for the original Star Trek. It also helps that with the animators taking a breather from Electric Soldier Porygon; they managed to make one of the best-looking episodes for its time with only Pikachu and Meowth to work with as monsters. In the off-chance that someone has never seen the series; show them this episode.
It is simply that wonderful.

I can assure you that the best is yet to come. Bang. 

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