Monday, June 18, 2018

Recap: Mission-Total Recall

Hello again. With this being my final year of this blog, I am definitely going to have plenty to talk about, so I thought I would do material I've been wanting to for ages. So, for my next recap of the Sun and Moon series of Pokémon, I thought I would do an episode that officially made it the longest-running anime based on a video game ever. So, let's open up #1000EpisodesOfPokémon with "Mission: Total Recall!"

Please note that in order to explain some details in this episode, I will be addressing some plot points from the video games, so go play them if you haven’t already; because there will be spoilers. Also, they are great games; so let’s get started.

After a scene of Lillie writing in her diary (which some episodes open with), we open proper on a dialogue between Ash and Gladion about the events that led to this point. As I pointed out before, Lillie is afraid of touching Pokémon from an incident when they were younger; which was revealed to be an accident involving the Ultra Beast Nihilego in Episode 47. I did consider recapping it, but I ultimately decided this had more to work with.

We then see the hotel where Gladion is staying, which is just outside Hau’oli City like in the games; where Gladion ran away because of being emotionally abused by his mother Lusamine. However, Gladion determines something is amiss when the man at the front desk says someone from his family is waiting for him in his hotel room.

He opens the door, and Faba claims to be glad to see him, but Gladion is having none of it.  While not a nice character in the games, here, Faba is willing to do anything just to save his own skin. Gladion also knows the truth about Lillie's accident; but when he tries to confront Faba about it, Faba has his Pokémon subdue him and take Type:Null from him! Also, I never noticed this before, but it seems that Miracle Eye is being used in a manner accurate to the games; which improves accuracy on evasive targets and allows attacks that would normally not affect Dark types to be used.

The next day at the Pokémon Academy, Lillie is still distraught at the events that led up to this point; but her classmates tell her will be there for her, as will Professor Kukui and his flame Professor Burnet. As for this change in their relationship from the games: hold that thought, I have something in mind for my final recap of this anime.

So, in an effort to get reacquainted with her Alolan Vulpix, "Snowy," Ash and Pikachu decide to walk Lillie home after class. While there are still some detractors of how the Sun and Moon series' story structure and how much it varies from previous incarnations (such as the XY series); for the most part, the series has come into its own. Personally, I rather like how the series has shaken up a lot of the conventions it had before, much like the video games they're based on.

Ash also recounts the meeting with Gladion on the beach, doing an impression of his comments and scowl. I must also point out that I still really enjoy the artwork of the series; which works in a different way from prior seasons. It still has plenty of action, but it's used in a different way, kind of like other anime that have Western animation influence such as Cowboy Bebop, One Piece and The Big O.

As for any arguments about how his character is handled compared to other protagonists: personally, I feel there's more than one way to define "competence." I submit he's just as valid as more "serious" leads, just as it's just as valid for James Bond to have one version take a knotted rope to his groin and another version try to defuse a bomb while dressed as a clown (miss you, Roger Moore).

So, for the second half of this milestone, Cosmog, who has been dubbed "Nebby" by everyone like in the games (essentially fulfilling the same role the Zygarde Core, "Squishy" did in XYZ) teleports Ash and Lillie to one of the places she used to live with Gladion and Lusamine when she was younger. This is her childhood bedroom, and we also see some of the places where she used to help tend the garden and some of the beaches they used to vacation at. Again, while Lillie's backstory was similar to Gladion's in the games, where she was emotionally abused by Lusamine for not wanting to follow her example, to the point of Lusamine disowning them both; here, her backstory is just as troubling in terms of her repressed memories, but in a different way.

Nebby then teleports them all to a darkened laboratory in the lower levels of Aether Paradise, effectively setting the stage for the remainder of the episode's runtime. Although this anime may be more comedic in tone than many previous incarnations, it's also quite effective at delving into darker parts of the franchise's premise; much like the games they're based on.

While Faba tries to hide Type: Null as he picks up Nebby's signal on his tracking device; Gladion, after learning the sickening truth behind Lillie's accident, decides to confront Lusamine.

Faba determines that he needs Cosmog to open up Ultra Space again to prove his theories, as well as to permanently prevent Lillie from regaining her memories. Although he asks Team Rocket (posing as Aether Foundation Employees) for their help, even offering to double their pay, they refuse! Disgusted at what Faba is proposing, they make a good contrast to how cruel he is. They may be a bunch of goofballs, but even they have lines they won't cross. This surprises Faba, but he realizes that he has do to this himself.

Faba decides to take matters into his own hands with Hypno and Kadabra, but Gladion has found Type: Null with Lusamine's help!

So, this episode not only confirms the events of episode 47, but also adds the detail that Faba was responsible for drawing out Nihilego from Ultra Space to prove his theories. Lillie is shocked to discover that Faba kept this from her all this time; which furthers the justification for her fear. Even though the show is admittedly different from what's come before, it makes effective use of a new art style and script structure without compromising what I liked about the series before.

All of a sudden, the mask Type: Null is wearing shatters, revealing its true form: Silvally! Just look at this beast: it's exactly what you would expect a genetic recreation of Arceus to look, complete with the RKS System of disc "memories" replacing the plates it would normally wield. I can use many words to describe my thoughts on Generation VII, "Boring" is not one of them.

The moment Silvally lunges after Faba's Kadabra and Hypno, Lillie realizes that Silvally is the one who saved her from Nihilego when she was younger! I am overall pleased with how the series is using the plot thread of the Ultra Beasts, as well as their unique; often otherworldly designs. I also don't really see the comparisons to Yo-Kai Watch, my personal headcanon of Alola often has more influence from Kingsman as well as Bill and Ted, among others.

So, with Faba being outed as a traitor; he leaves the Aether foundation to formulate a new plan, and we close on Lillie embracing Pikachu, Nebby and Snowy in her arms. Definitely worthy of its milestone, and another entry on the list of my favorite Sun and Moon episodes.

I know I already addressed this in my look at "Partner Promises" and "One Journey Ends, Another Begins," but I definitely feel like mentioning it again. There are still parties who shall remain undisclosed that are dismissive of the series in this incarnation, who are adamant that the rebrand has left it little more than an attempt to cash in on Yo-Kai Watch; and that it's incapable of reaching the heights of its seniors (especially the XY series).

"Mission: Totall Recall" is another strong counterargument toward that belief, with great use of the video game source material that has some great animation and many similarities to its lineage in ways you might not realize at first glance. There are entire series that don't even get to a fraction of 1,000 episodes, and I guarantee that doesn't happen if absolutely no one still likes it.

Though some are demanding a total reboot of the series still, I submit a better way to approach that would be to use the model of Origins and Generations would be an alternative in the vein of the Netflix Castlevania series or GI Joe Resolute. 

I have also discovered some things about Yo-Kai Watch: after some delay, the third season of the English dub will begin airing on July 2; and apparently there's some reveal of a new game in Japan on the 27th. So, I guess I will finally start tapping my backlog before then, you'll just have to wait and see what I have lined up next. That's all for now. Be excellent to each other.

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