Sunday, March 31, 2024

Review- Dragon Ball X One Piece X Toriko- "History's Strongest Collaboration VS The Glutton of the Sea"

 Dedicated to the memory of Akira Toriyama


Hey everyone- Happy Easter to those observing. As this is a time of renewal and bounty for many people, I thought I would do something that has both. In honor of the memory of the legendary Akira Toriyama; here is a review of a grand crossover as a parting gift. Let’s open up Dragon Ball X One Piece X Toriko: History’s Strongest Collaboration VS The Glutton of the Sea.

The special opens on a brief recap of the first half (which I was regrettably unable to find), with the International  Gourmet Organization on a grand gourmet race that brings in the casts of all three groups in this crossover. Despite a valiant effort from Goku, Luffy and Toriko, it’s Hercule Satan that wins the race. I say just let him have it, as I sometimes do. Hardly the first time a bloviating man took center stage- Hulk Hogan exists after all.

As all three casts partake in their celebratory meal of “carat sizzled cattle”, trouble is brewing below the water’s surface; in the form of the eponymous Glutton of the Sea. Its name is Big Chu. 

Though Toriko’s portion hasn’t seen official EN release due to rights issues, the cast were able to reprise their roles; with some roles overlapping with all three anime. We’ll talk more about that soon, but I just love how the casts interact. It’s little details like Buu “supersizing” Franky’s colas, or Chopper offering a taste of his cotton candy to Tina I appreciate. As Toriko himself says, “the greatest spice is friendship, the finest meal tastes even better when you’re eating it together.”

Mansam comes clean about the IGO’s true purpose- it was to draw out an “Akemee”- a fish with a voracious appetite for the life energy of others. In order to make the antidote for its poison, Setsuno explains the fish must be caught and cooked within 30 minutes. How convenient- just enough time for this crossover!

Piccolo, Sanji and Zebra engage Big Chu, and I just get a kick out of imagining the VA sharing these roles having to do multiple takes of these exchanges. Elsewhere, the Akamee takes its second form, prompting Trunks and Goten to fuse into Gotenks! Franky uses his General Franky mech to get close to the fish; avoiding direct contact… until he exits the mech and gets touched anyway; which Gotenks lampshades. Oops.

Undeterred (same problem faced by some D.Va mains in Overwatch), Gotenks summons some of their ghost buddies to lend a hand. Halfway in, and the Big Chu is here! Ten minutes left, and our heroes unite to beatdown this figurative and literal oversized tuna.

With the combined might of Goku’s Super Saiyan form, Luffy’s Devil Fruit techniques and Toriko’s skills, the Akamee is slammed through a canyon! Like how drawing the fish out into a more secluded area is consistent with what Goku has done before to draw fire away from civilians. They all go searching for the fish, and sure enough, it finds them.

Toriko deduces that the Akamee’s final form can regenerate power as well as absorbing it. The solution- to hit it with a simultaneous attack that will flash-fry the beast! Goku has the perfect solution- the spirit bomb; and everyone has just enough power to make it happen! Luffy and Toriko are able to buy just enough time with their techniques for Goku to pull it off.

With the day saved, everyone has a piece of the antidote tuna; and it’s a very succulent fish that tried to consume them all. It’s only fair that they consume in return. Even Komamba, a character I have mixed feelings towards approves. There’s even a little stinger of Vegeta, Zoro and Zebra sparring. If and when another crossover game is made; I would definitely appreciate it being given to Arc System Works, whose credits include Guilty Gear, BlazBlue and the excellent Dragon Ball Fighter Z.

As has been noted before, watching this special a decade after its initial release is an interesting experience. While Toriko has become a relative footnote in the Shonen Jump canon, One Piece has gotten more of the global recognition it deserves; and Dragon Ball remains a pop culture phenomenon.

Though the loss of Akira Toriyama earlier this year at age 68 was indeed tragic, what he left behind will last forever. His work on the Dragon Ball story continues to influence countless others to this day, including the anime in this crossover special. He also contributed to numerous video games including Dragon Quest, Blue Dragon and my personal favorite, Chrono Trigger. With Dragon Ball Daima and the adaption of Sand Land seeing release posthumously; I like to think of him being with Kami now; and leaving a vast legacy as a parting gift. The outpouring of support and kind memories of his stories also does my heart good in this day and age. Thank you, Toriyama for your stories and thank you all for your kind words. Fly free, old friend.

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