Wednesday, March 23, 2016

General Update-Spring 2016

Hello everyone. I hoped to have my next recap out sooner; but things have been incredibly busy lately as I'm getting ready to go back to school, to say nothing of me being hooked on Pokkén Tournament and going to see Batman V Superman tomorrow evening.

As such, I'm about halfway done taking screencaps for my new recap; so I'm now hoping it will be out before the end of the month, so I can focus my energy on my Pokémon movie marathon. My plan for those is still to do them from Pokémon 3 onward, then do at least one or two a month (with 4Ever possibly being done by Earth Day).

I have also been catching up on my DVR; which has quite a bit of One Piece and Kill la Kill saved on it. Since I also found a new source for many of my shows online; I am cultivating many options for the near future. I'm also still contemplating retiring in 2017; but I plan to have some pieces to go out on when the time comes.

As for Yo-Kai Watch: the series seems to be coming to Netflix in April. Even so, the site contains a host of much better anime; so it feels like a last-ditch effort to compensate for the show underperforming on Disney XD. As I've pointed out, the game has also not been selling well (as of this writing, the US release has only sold 130,000 copies since launch); and the merchandise has also sold poorly. Despite the fact that the reception among consumers has been the polar opposite of what it's been in Japan, Level-5 still plans to localize the sequels. On a personal level, though; I'm still not sure about buying the game at full price, though I am mulling over buying a used copy at some point. As for the anime, I'm not planning on recapping any more of it until after the European launch on April 29; so I can gauge how it does there. I'm also considering the movie in the near future.

So, I shall get back to work on my next recap; as well as waiting for Batman V Superman to open while I play Pokkén Tournament. See you, space cowboy.

1 comment:

  1. Retiring in 2017? Well, hopefully you've had a good run with this blog. I've barely started reading your blog late last year but your recaps are very interesting to read.

    Recently, I've been thinking about doing Irate Gamer style anime reviews. I was watching Third Rate Gamer, and his reviews crack me up.However, I'm afraid I'll either run out of material or steal ideas from other IG parodists.

    Kill La Kill is a show that's been on my watch list for a LONG time now. I haven't watched it yet, just out of pure laziness. I have too many other shows to watch. Oh well I'll figure something out.
