Saturday, November 19, 2016

Pokémon Sun and Moon Game+Anime Early Impressions.

Alola everyone. Since I'm going to be at my grandfather's place until sometime tomorrow, I thought it would be a good time to tell you my early impressions of Pokémon Sun and Moon: both the game and the anime.

Since this is an anime-themed blog; I think I will talk about that first. It started airing in Japan this past Thursday with a 1-hour special consisting of the first two episodes; with another scheduled to air on Thanksgiving day. I was among many who didn't think the concept they were going with was as bad as everyone else thought it would be, and my cautious optimism was rewarded. Rather than try to move away from its insane lineage, the show seems to have wholeheartedly embraced it. Not only that, the redesigned art style seems to fit the tone quite well. I personally don't mind the redesign that was given to Ash; since it's not that different from the character I'm playing as, and I still think the idea of redesigning characters itself is kind of a crapshoot.

On the subject of the games: I've logged about 12 hours combined since I picked up my preorders yesterday. Without spoiling anything (go play them yourself if you want to know the story); it blows my mind how much Game Freak has managed to put in these two cartridges. Even in the early stages of gameplay, it manages to not only provide a new experience as a lifelong fan; but also recreate the feelings of playing the original games for the first time.

The overall style of this section of the franchise; in terms of graphics, sound and animation is also delightfully '90s; so it's just the thing I need to feel good about myself in a time when I need it the most. I will make another post next week as things progress further, but for now; I can easily recommend both to those wanting to get back into the franchise as well as those wanting to try it for the first time (possibly as a result of the success of the Pokémon Go mobile game). It's well worth the asking price; and there is also talk of a possible third entry on the Switch.

I will get into more detail when the next 1-hour special airs next week; but first I want to do the piece I had planned to help tie into this. You should see it after I'm done with some schoolwork I have. Bang.

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