Thursday, July 26, 2018

Recap: Lights, Camera, Pika!

The time has come to talk about one of my favorite Pokémon side stories ever. Yes folks, it's finally time to talk about the Pikachu movie special!

Our first portion opens on Ash, Serena, Bonnie and Clemont coming across a large compound with a bunch of Pikachu dancing in a meadow.

As Pikachu joins Ash, another man comes up and says he's the one he's been looking for! The man, named Frank invites everyone into his house, where everything inside is Pikachu-related!

He is a filmmaker, and his granddaughter Jean is his faithful assistant. Then, one year to the day after OR/AS launched, we get the appearance of the cosplay Pikachu in the anime in all their forms! While Professor Pika, Idol Pika and Belle Pika are not without their charms, the ones I went with were Rocker Pika in Omega Ruby and Pikachu Libre in Alpha Sapphire. Everyone agrees to help Frank with the production of his movie, about Super Pikachu! While the script is not complete yet, Clemont agrees to help Frank finish it while Bonnie gets some rest. So, in addition to being a fun side story about making a movie, it also gives a wink to the current obsession with the superhero film.

Anyway, Jean tells Ash that Frank has loved Pikachu since he was a child, as I have. They also fill the mouth flaps by having Frank say "Pika" in the dub and "Chu" in Japanese, and I like both his voices. The next segment is entitled "How to Make a Pikachu Movie: Ready, Action!"

Production has begun, with some of the Pokémon helping with DIY special effects and chroma key. It's also useful for getting to Delaware in a pinch!

Of course, what's a movie star without a good stunt crew? Good thing Ash has Hawlucha to help with more elaborate stunts. Just snap on a Pikachu costume and he's good to go!

Even the behind-the-scenes antics are amusing, with Serena filming everyone on lunch break as Clemont coyly eats!

You're welcome, GeekChicShippers.

Anyway, Frank once again compliments Ash's Pikachu as he tells his story. He tells of how Pikachu were able to help him get through illness and his journey. They were there when he married his wife and helped him come to terms with her death. As time goes on, the film is shot and edited, adding special effects and putting together scenes in the right order in post; and even doing ADR work! As for this lovely lady on the mike? That's Ikue Ohtani, who's been doing the voice of Pikachu since the franchise's inception.

We then get to see the movie in all its glory: "Lightning Brave! Fast and Strong! Super Pikachu!"

The film opens on the 20th anniversary of Pikachu Land, which is interrupted by Pikachu Libre and his goons! Super Pikachu swoops in and tries to fight, but is quickly outmatched! He then fights Pikachu Libre again on the bluffs, and is victorious! Sometimes, you just want a feel-good superhero movie.

Frank thanks everyone for their participation in the movie, but that's not all! Let's watch some bloopers! Anything to get a good chuckle: line flubs, Pikachu actors not being on their mark, equipment malfunctions, Clemont getting nervous on camera, Bonnie getting messy with the makeup, and Pikachu being quite literally left hanging!

This was a great special to introduce the Cosplay Pikachu, and a fun movie-based special overall. I still submit that this anime does adhere to the games and is just as valid as more "serious" takes such as The Strongest Mega Evolution. The decision to make the film a superhero movie was a clever way at poking fun at the industry's obsession with the big-budget superhero blockbuster. At the end of the day, it's just a fun little side story, and that's all that really matters. I plan to watch this again and again. 

Before I go on vacation, I want to thank everyone else doing Pokémon-related material all around the web. Now, go write your own story. Bang.

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