Sunday, September 17, 2017

Recap: FLCLimax

My look at FLCL concludes with my look at the final episode, "FLCLlimax!"

We've reached the finale of this wonderful series, and the finale begins with something as simple as everyone trying to use chopsticks. Everyone can do it besides their hyperactive teacher; though some of the kids aren't too proud to ask for sporks.

Yet, since the events of the last episode; much has changed. Haruko has gone as a fugitive; and despite the events of the last few days, Naota still feels disinterested at what has gone on. The massive hand left by the gunslinger in the last episode hasn't helped either.

Amarao and Mitsurubami are also preparing for the arrival of Atomsk and the final showdown for the universe! Rather than someplace like Tokyo or New York, the final battle will take place in Mabase! I also like how the title card is placed on Naota's mind: much like ours, it's about to be blown.

Mamimi has also not taken Naota's rejection well, and Masashi and Gaku are still under the delusion that she was his "waifu" (still don't get the appeal of that term. I used to mix up lightsabers with Live Savers candy when I was little, doesn't mean I was always right.). She decides to cozy up to a small robot, especially when it eats her phone. Well, sunlight and water aren't problems; but don't do that after midnight, just to be safe.

Amarao also tells Naota more about Atomsk; and I get sort of a vibe of a proto-Lordgenome looking at him. Still, after all that he's been through, Naota understandably wants nothing more to do with this fight; and decides to head home.

I also find it amusing that Mamimi's phone, among others, was made by Cyberdyne Systems. Well, I just hope they don't try making any more Terminators.

Naota comes down for dinner, only to find that Haruko has returned with spicy fish eggs from Hawaii; complete with a reprise of the manga sequence! I also like how they lampshade the energy it takes to do that, and also wonder further about what "Fooly Cooly" actually means. Once again: I submit it's a metaphor for puberty. Lots of GAINAX works come off like that to me, even the new stuff at Trigger comes off like that too.

After six episodes of trying to push her away, Haruko then invites Naota to come with her to space, and he breaks down crying in her arms. It's also heavily-implied that Naota's mother is part of an intergalactic mission herself, hence why he acts this way to deal with the other adults in his life being more childish than he is.

Apparently, Naota has been off with Haruko and hasn't been to school in days; and the two bond over cheap ramen. Never was a fan of the dried-up kind, I like the real stuff you get a good restaurant.

Elsewhere, Mamimi still feeding the robot (which we find out later is another agent of Atomsk) all the stuff she can find, including all the motorcycles in town! I guess it can't live on cell phones alone.

The next day, Ninamori finds Haruko and Naota sleeping together on a park bench. Despite the oddness of the situation, she just leaves; totally unaware of what's about to unfold.

Elsewhere, Mamimi is actually going through her address book in order to feed this robot; and she's been running herself ragged in the process.

Time has not been kind to you, Amanda Bynes!

The beast grows so massive that it goes out of control and starts rampaging through town!

The beast is then revealed to be the terminal core of Atomsk, and Amarao gives chase with Mitsurubami in what appears to be an old Toyota Corolla. That thing is going to get chucked around like a Matchbox car, and we're not finished yet!

The terminal core crushes Amarao's car, and it turns out that Canti is part of the terminal core as well! Even if the last episode was my favorite, this is clearly a good finale for such a great show.

The terminal core also eats the teacher's new car again, so now it's time for Naota and Haruko to stop it before it consumes the whole town! The whole final episode is definitely an ideal metaphor for coming of age, and unlike Yo-Kai Watch, there's definitely a method to the madness for me. Yeah, you bet I'm going to give that knife another twist while I finish something I love. My back pain has felt like that for days, now let's finish this.

Even as Haruko tries to have Naota stop the pirate king, Amarao still objects at the immense danger involved! Haruko basically tells him to piss off, and this finale is a key example of how this anime is the polar opposite of Evangelion. As it turns out, GAINAX made this to unwind from not only how intense the production was; but also how dark the writing and tone were. It's a common way of dealing with that experience, no matter where you live or work.

Naota, to the shock of everyone, has incorporated the the powers of Atomsk! Furthering the EVA contrast, while Shinji's characterization shows how someone in his position isn't totally prepared for apocalyptic scenarios, Naota has effectively made the power of an intergalactic threat his own. No orange juice here, folks.

Naota is even able to expel Atomsk from his mind, and is able to kiss Haruko to top everything off!

As Atomsk spreads its wings and flies away, Amarao is astonished at what has happened: after all the time he spent trying to do the standard Godzilla procedure to drive the pirate king away, all it took was the love a young man who needed to open up, and a strange woman from space!

So, Haruko returns to the stars, and Naota ultimately decides to remain on Earth as we close the series on him starting middle school with Ninamori, Gaku and Masashi. I have seen this anime many times since I was 11, and I never get tired of that ending.

Between how much I've been working on other projects this year and events outside this blog, I am glad that I took the opportunity to do this marathon. I am also glad I got my look at "FLCLimax" done before my brother's wedding tomorrow, since it closes out an anime that I have grand admiration for even after all these years. The conclusion is organic, and it has a sequel hook that's finally being picked up after all this time. 

If you were to ask me what I would want out of the second and third seasons next year, my reply would be simple: for them to be good. Much like the Big O before it, despite being largely overlooked in Japan; the series has been beloved ever since it came here. As I mentioned before, it's one of the two favorite anime of Adult Swim's management; the other being Cowboy Bebop. As long as it does the animation and characters justice, I will be fine; network decay and that unpleasantness about the cat headphones be damned. If all else fails, I really can't imagine it being worse than the Endless 8.

Anyway, as soon as I post this, I'm going to get some rest before my brother's wedding tomorrow; so check back on Friday as I celebrate the release of Pokkén Tournament DX and Pokémon Gold and Silver on Virtual Console with my look at the Johto episode "Ring Masters!" That's all for now. Be excellent to each other.

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