Monday, December 31, 2018

Final Recap: Akira (1988)

Welcome to my final recap for this blog. of my favorite anime film and one of my all-time favorite movies: Akira!

We open on the surest sign of nuclear war, a silent explosion as percussion starts. The way the movie portrays Neo Tokyo as a decaying hell overrun by gangsters as well as a glitzy paradise of neon and technology, I can say 30 years later that Katsuhiro Otomo's vision of the future is every bit as impressive now as it was in 1988.

To me, it's not only as influential as Blade Runner, it captures teenage angst through the eyes of motorcycle gangsters Shotaro Kaneda and Tetsuo Shima in a manner as effective as any live-action film.

A chase with the Clown gang is intercut with a case of espionage involving a boy with wizened features named Takashi. As Tetsuo is caught in the crossfire, and the spy is reduced to a bloodstain on the pavement, it's one of the most dynamic openings I've ever seen; shattering any illusions about the medium being exclusively for children.

The animation here redefined the medium forever. The angles, the lighting, the way the characters move on the action scenes all make for a spectacular science fiction epic.

As Kaneda flirts with a spy named Kei, it turns out there's another spy in the executive council, and the colonel in charge of operations is taken to an underground bunker where Tetsuo is being examined. Tetsuo is believed to have power similar to a being called "Akira!"

We then cut to the boys' vocational school, where Kaneda and the others are subject to some "physical education" while being reprimanded about their actions. I also note the way their lovers are dressed: while the movie does show how society rebuilds after World War III, they all look like extras in a Cyndi Lauper video.

Tetsuo gets out of the hospital and goes to see his friend Kaori, and after telling her about the experiments, decides to run away with her. They are then attacked by Clowns in the industrial area, and Kaneda helps drive them off! Tetsuo is not happy about this, but Akira's power causes him to hallucinate about falling and his innards spilling on the pavement!

The authorities then take Tetsuo back to their compound while the boys and their girlfriends explore the city. Kaneda then teams up with Kei to investigate what's happening. In another fight scene taken from the manga, there's an ambush in the sewers!

As Tetsuo is experimented on further, he has a dream about his childhood that ends in everything crumbling around him! He's able to shatter all the glass around him just by thinking about it!

A girl named Kiyoko, identified as "Number 25," has a vision that millions of people will die! Colonel Shikishima when she mentions Akira. They're told not to let Tetsuo go, and the Colonel goes to the deep freeze chamber where Akira is being held with Dr. Onishi. Colonel Shikishima then expresses disdain for the direction things are headed.

Back with Kaneda and Kei, another spy named Ryu locks Kaneda in the bathroom while they try to infiltrate the compound with help from their plant on the inside, Nezu. Kaneda witnesses the conversation, and offers to help them. As for Nezu's name: it fittingly translates to "rat" in Japanese.

We then see a demonstration in the streets, with people in ornate robes hoping for Akira's return. The budget meeting scene echoes the political strife Japan was having at the time, leading to an event known as the "lost decade." It may not have been intentional on Otomo's part, but now the 2020 Olympics are taking place in Tokyo for real, just like in the movie. The council then votes to rescind the Colonel's command, causing him to walk out in disgust.

Kei and Kaneda then slip into the compound disguised as custodians. Tetsuo hallucinates toys the size of buildings in his room, then realizes it's an illusion created by the Numbers! Cutting himself on some glass, he breaks out of his room and heads for the nursery.

In another scene from the manga, a shootout with some sentries leads to Kei and Kaneda stealing their hovercraft! You really get a great sense of speed from the way this chase is animated.

The Numbers try to send more toys after Tetsuo, but he sees through their illusions and demands to see Kiyoko! Kiyoko is able to speak telepathically to Kei and guide Kaneda to Tetsuo! Tetuso then recongnies Masaru and Takashi from the highway skirmish as his powers continue to escalate!

Dr. Onishi tries to talk Tetsuo down, but he will have none of it; demanding to see Akira! As the nursery crumbles around everyone, Kaneda confronts Tetsuo about what's going on; but Tetsuo has gone mad with power as he realizes where Akira is! He leaves everyone in the smoldering wreckage of the compound as the colonel realizes Tetsuo must be stopped before his powers mature.

Tetsuo returns to the tavern and kills the bartender, consuming large amounts of capsules as Yamagata and Kai look on in horror! Kaneda and Kei are being held by the military, where Kei reveals that Akira's ultimate energy will allow Tetsuo's full power to come to fruition! With Kiyoko's 
help, they escape and go after Tetsuo.

As the military is mobilized, Kai informs Kaneda that Tetsuo killed Yamagata, and Takashi takes Kei on the aqueduct! The military has found out Nezu, and break into his home to tell him the coup has failed!

Tetsuo is out of control, growing so powerful that he can stop rockets with his mind and crush tanks like toys; tearing himself a cape from a window display! Ryu and Nezu die, and Kaneda takes to the streets on his motorcycle to stop his former friend!

The lasers fired by the military at the revolutionaries may seem like family-friendly firearms at first, but it's quickly subverted when it's shown they can draw blood and sever limbs, effectively making them handheld railguns.

The colonel and doctor quickly realize that Tetsuo is headed for the Olympics construction site, and the try to head him off! To the doctor's shock, Tetsuo's waveform is the same as Akira's! Kaneda discovers what Tetsuo has wrought, and Tetsuo discovers Akira is just a bunch of DNA samples and capsules! He does not take this well at all, and the order is given for an orbital strike beacon known as "Sol!" Kaneda and Kei arrive on the scene, and Tetsuo laughs at his former friend's pity. The railgun is only able to wound Tetsuo, but Sol fires and cuts off his arm! However, he's so strong that he flies up destroys Sol! I love how this is one of the few science fiction films to acknowledge there's no sound in space, something the genre is notorious for ignoring for suspension of disbelief.

As the wreckage of Sol falls to Earth, Tetsuo generates a new arm as Kaneda prepares to face his former friend at the stadium one last time. The Colonel is after Tetsuo as well, and he starts reaching critical power levels! He refuses to go back for treatment as his body starts growing into grotesque proportions and shapes! Takashi, Masaru and Kiyoko arrive as Kaneda starts taking shots from his motorcycle!

At that moment, Akira then reawakens inside Tetsuo as his form starts consuming everything in its path! Kaneda then blasts his way out as the mass of body parts consumes the Numbers, but as it reaches Akira's remains; he is given form as a blue glow pushes back the mass! Kaneda then runs back from the mass as Takashi is caught in the crossfire! Masaru and Kiyoko decide to save him at the cost of their own lives! Tetsuo's final moments, as well as the film's; are spent within his memories and dreams, getting a glimpse of Akira at last as well as the Numbers' past. While the manga was not yet complete at the time of release, the film is able to stand on its own as a masterpiece of animation.

Over thirty years later, Katsuhiro Otomo's vision of the future is still the gold standard for all the works that followed in the medium of anime. That's the power of "Akira:" everything about this film works: the animation, the writing, the voice acting: everything. Out of all the works I've written about here, this is the one that changed me most as a person.

So, as you can imagine; I'm among many who were less than enthused about the proposed live-action remake. The idea of remaking any animation in live-action is a bit of a crapshoot in itself, doing it to a film as important as this one is especially tricky. One would need to take great care with the script and direction to make sure the concepts are presented faithfully. I'm not saying it can't be done, I'm simply saying if you're not willing to make the effort; maybe you shouldn't go forward with something that won't make fans happy or win over newcomers.  To make this even more moot, many Western works have been more faithful to Otomo's concept than most of the pitches we've gotten so far. Right now, I am going to keep enjoying this movie, I have seen it many times since I was sixteen, and I would easily be willing to watch it a thousand times more in the future. It's simply that great a work.

You cannot stop the future, for it has already begun.

1 comment:

  1. Just took a look at Red Capsule Akira Kaneda Leather Jacket and I wanna ask why the jacket makers have been using angled zipper for like last 8 decades? Don't they have an alternative to it?
